[quote=BlaCken]got this probs with box creating. tried to change the How you are Connected Box with something else but it doesnt respond. and the google add keeps on coming back. help?[/quote]
.. put ur JS URL link hir,,so dat we can see da problem,, ,,and ur profile link..
[quote=portuniecho][quote=BlaCken]my link
my prof : http://profiles.friendster.com/badutpaqiu[/quote]
.. ei buddy..
. .i see ur profile,,and its workin fyne..no more google ads..
. . and i dunt see da codes of dis topic tu ur JS script..
.. are u using dis code??([b]friendsbox more friends[/b])??[/quote]
actually im trying to get the how you are connected slot gone. anyways, i tried to get this sidebar Cbox and i cant get it in there. when paste the code, everything malfunctioned. anyway, i'll try again to get this shit thing....
How do i change my "More Friends" boxes and my "Featured Friends" boxes' order..? coz when i saved the code, it appeared on top of my featured friends list..! Anybody, please..?
here's my proffy - http://profiles.friendster.com/mitchiekuy18
[quote=denyse1011]How do i change my "More Friends" boxes and my "Featured Friends" boxes' order..? coz when i saved the code, it appeared on top of my featured friends list..! Anybody, please..?[/quote]
you can hide your featured friends if you want..just leave the friends sidebar box that you just made..
i'LL try dis... but i have a question... i have my coLumn frend List.. does it affect my code? i want mmore frend to be in one coLumn... ty for your response...
[quote=mheng01]i'LL try dis... but i have a question... i have my coLumn frend List.. does it affect my code? i want mmore frend to be in one coLumn... ty for your response...[/quote]
Yes, You can.
[quote=huisia]Put in the external JS? where's that? [/quote]
Kindly see teh tutorials in making JS extension: