• » iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

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iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz and their uzing ftalk codez... but they dont putting the creditz there... letz jzt give them a lezzon that they zhud rezpect the code makerz... jzt zuggezting... =|
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

We have that "member only section", that's the FriendsterTalk Underground. This has been suggested before, and it may affect the impressions of the visitors or non-ftalk-members to browse the forum.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

[quote=mzzhimone]iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz and their uzing ftalk codez... [b][i]but they dont putting the creditz there[/b][/i]... letz jzt give them a lezzon that they zhud rezpect the code makerz... jzt zuggezting... =|[/quote] if the purpose of this suggestion is just seeking for credits, i dont think they can earn benefits from it! and i do not believe some of them are the [b]real[/b] code makers and layout makers! note: codes are everywhere not only here. anyway sorry for being prankster!
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

[b]Frankly speaking... the one above me... was half right in his opinions.. The code makers including me... some of us... are not the real makers of those tricks, but we're not that rude for sharing it w/o a credit. A share wd full respect and astonishment for the original authors. The thread starter had a point there. But, for me.... if we do this... others myt think that ftalk is selfish ..like dat. But ... it depends to admin.. and other mods.[/b] =)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

[quote=---xXirukiTepe---][b]Frankly speaking... the one above me... was half right in his opinions.. The code makers including me... some of us... are not the real makers of those tricks, but we're not that rude for sharing it w/o a credit. A share wd full respect and astonishment for the original authors. The thread starter had a point there. But, for me.... if we do this... others myt think that ftalk is selfish ..like dat. But ... it depends to admin.. and other mods.[/b] =)[/quote] ms. ---xXirukiTepe--- we cannot estimate how many are [b]not real[/b]. maybe they have higher percentage!
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

credits??? we eptokers credits them.... we dont need to hide it coz some codes and layouts is the main attraction of this site to get more members.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

i think friendstertalk community doesn't need much credits, the friendship and the discussion shared here is the best. The friendstertalk has already compiled a thread exclusive only for its members to lure its visitors to join the forum site. Its to the viewers choice if s/he will put the credits to the code s/he had used. We should also be aware that friendster has many other tweaking sites regardless the friendstertalk.com this means there are many tutorial sites in the internet and some of those codes are also posted here. You have a point about exclusively open the tutorial thread to the members, let me tell you my favorite tagline: "its better to give than to receive credits :D" & "sharing is loving :D". :D :penguin:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

I think we don't need to hide some sections here including the 'tips and tricks tutorial'. Its there conscience if they want to add a credits to the one who really created the codes, layouts etc... and if we hide those section, a guest/visitors will not notice some good sections here at friendstertalk and they will not eager to join here ;)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

the Tricks and Tutorials Section is visibile to non-Ftalk members for one because its a big pull for members to sign in. I do believe that many members here just signed-up to use the codes/layouts and [i]even repost it to other forums claiming all the credits[/i] :puke: such a shame but for a community this big, we can't stop that from happening. in addition to Underground Section, The Regional Boards (Philippines,Indonesia,Malaysia) are also not visible to non-ftalk member. =)
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

well actually, i already got the point of the threadstarter..it's really unfair not to hide the section because many people are viewing it and not giving credits when they use it..the owner of the codes will really get mad..ahuh!
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

[quote]we dont need to hide it coz some codes and layouts is the main attraction of this site to get more members.[/quote] lyk diz reply by dynasty-tweaker, and az don don zaid... codez iz one of the main attraction here... maybe if we hide the trickz and tutorial they will join hir... letz make a note that only memberz can view thiz zection... ftalk iz a friendly forum that they can eazily get code and underztand...

Last edited by mzzhimone (2008-12-12 22:53:59)

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

Blocking sections will just add ghost accounts. Just think of it as this... To view this particular section. You must be a member and must have these post counts to view this section. Some members will ten dto spam just to attain the post requirements. Also, tons of members will slow FriendsterTalk down. In general, a forum doesn't need inactive members and spammers. Anyway, the best solution is to use private tag... http://theftalk.com/help.php#bbcode For the main idea. Using the private tag will protect your post from unregistered members or members with less than a 100 post.

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Last edited by Ephemeral (2008-12-14 11:46:35)

  • » iz it pozzible to hide some section? :paranoid: meaning only ftalk memberz can zee that particular zection ezp the [b]trickz and tutorial zection[/b]... ive zeen many pre made layout from my friendz

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