[b]Description: [/b]Expando is a simple script for folks who want to have an image expand onMouseover (to its actual size). This lets you display large images at a reduced size initially (aka thumbnail size), and have them dynamically expand when the mouse rolls over them. Installation is simple- install the script in the HEAD section of the page, then give your "thumbnail" images a CSS class of "expando". These thumbnail images should have an explicit width/height attribute that's less than the actual image's dimensions, so the script has something to expand to.
[b]Demo1:[/b] [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/aidenphat]click the floating image[/url]
[b]Demo2:[/b] [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/85975975]click the floating image[/url]
The above code references the external .js file
[spoiler][quote]/* Expando Image Script ©2008 John Davenport Scheuer
as first seen in
username: jscheuer1 - This Notice Must Remain for Legal Use
if (document.images){
var cos, a = /Apple/.test(navigator.vendor), times = a? 20 : 40, speed = a? 40 : 20;
var expConIm = function(im){
im = im || window.event;
if (!expConIm.r.test (im.className))
im = im.target || im.srcElement || null;
if (!im || !expConIm.r.test (im.className))
var e = expConIm,
widthHeight = function(dim){
return dim[0] * cos + dim[1] + 'px';
resize = function(){
cos = (1 - Math.cos((e.ims[i].jump / times) * Math.PI)) / 2;
im.style.width = widthHeight (e.ims[i].w);
im.style.height = widthHeight (e.ims[i].h);
if (e.ims[i].d && times > e.ims[i].jump){
e.ims[i].timer = setTimeout(resize, speed);
} else if (!e.ims[i].d && e.ims[i].jump > 0){
e.ims[i].timer = setTimeout(resize, speed);
}, d = document.images, i = d.length - 1;
for (i; i > -1; --i)
if(d[i] == im) break;
i = i + im.src;
if (!e.ims[i]){
im.title = '';
e.ims[i] = {im : new Image(), jump : 0};
e.ims[i].im.onload = function(){
e.ims[i].w = [e.ims[i].im.width - im.width, im.width];
e.ims[i].h = [e.ims[i].im.height - im.height, im.height];
e (im);
e.ims[i].im.src = im.src;
if (e.ims[i].timer) clearTimeout(e.ims[i].timer);
e.ims[i].d = !e.ims[i].d;
resize ();
expConIm.ims = {};
expConIm.r = new RegExp('\\bexpando\\b');
if (document.addEventListener){
document.addEventListener('mouseover', expConIm, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseout', expConIm, false);
else if (document.attachEvent){
document.attachEvent('onmouseover', expConIm);
document.attachEvent('onmouseout', expConIm);
Then, all that's left is to shrink those large images on your page (by giving them an explicit width/height attribute that's smaller than the actual dimensions), and adding the CSS class "expando" to them. For example:
[quote]<img class='[b]expando[/b]' align='[b]center[/b]' src='[b]IMAGE LINK[/b]' width='[b]80px[/b]' height='[b]80px[/b]' style='filter:none;-moz-opacity:1.0'/></div>
<img class='[b]expando[/b]' align='[b]center[/b]' src='[b]IMAGE LINK[/b]' width='[b]80px[/b]' height='[b]80px[/b]' style='filter:none;-moz-opacity:1.0'/></div>
<img class='[b]expando[/b]' align='[b]center[/b]' src='[b]IMAGE LINK[/b]' width='[b]80px[/b]' height='[b]80px[/b]' style='filter:none;-moz-opacity:1.0'/></div>[/quote]
Have fun expandoing images!
Last edited by aidenlive (2008-12-18 20:10:47)