• » What part of my WVM CSS or PHP file should i edit to control the number of characters on my viewers name... say like about 15 characters only... :wallbash: or remove all those special characters!! =D

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What part of my WVM CSS or PHP file should i edit to control the number of characters on my viewers name... say like about 15 characters only... :wallbash: or remove all those special characters!! =D

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

What part of my WVM CSS or PHP file should i edit to control the number of characters on my viewers name... say like about 15 characters only... :wallbash: or remove all those special characters!! =D

What part of my WVM CSS or PHP file should i edit to control the number of characters on my viewers name... say like about 15 characters only... :wallbash: or remove all those special characters!! =D coz some of them put unnecessary long @#!*% characters as there name. :mad: [b]edited:[/b] or.... a jscript with alert and redirection like the force login script but only the script is about not allowing friendster account with more than 14 characters(or special characters) attach on there name. I'm using v2.1 Thanx... =)

Last edited by Refresh/Reload (2008-12-20 03:38:12)

» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What part of my WVM CSS or PHP file should i edit to control the number of characters on my viewers name... say like about 15 characters only... :wallbash: or remove all those special characters!! =D

in your PHP file find this line <">replace with the following code <">I'm not sure coz I never use WVM

Last edited by 0tai (2008-12-20 01:41:50)

» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What part of my WVM CSS or PHP file should i edit to control the number of characters on my viewers name... say like about 15 characters only... :wallbash: or remove all those special characters!! =D

Thanx Otai!! :thumbsup: :D I read something about that substr(etc...) but don't know where to apply it... thanx for giving me the idea!! :D
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What part of my WVM CSS or PHP file should i edit to control the number of characters on my viewers name... say like about 15 characters only... :wallbash: or remove all those special characters!! =D

ur welcome fren... glad to help
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What part of my WVM CSS or PHP file should i edit to control the number of characters on my viewers name... say like about 15 characters only... :wallbash: or remove all those special characters!! =D

wahhh :crybaby: still no luck!! :wallbash: I think it has something to do with those special characters... i saw some examples on php forums and it goes like below... [b]removing special characters[/b] [quote]$name = $_GET['name']; $var = $name; $stripped = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "", $var); echo $stripped;[/quote] or this two... [quote]$text = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ -]/s', '', $text); $text= preg_replace('/[^\w\d_ -]/si', '', $text);[/quote] it's about accepting 0-9 and a(A) to z(Z) characters only and that's what i want on my WVM tracker. heheh... i'm still :wasted: when it comes to php... i have no idea how to apply those examples...:wallbash: anyways Thanx friend!! :D I hope i can or somebody can figure it out later... :D
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What part of my WVM CSS or PHP file should i edit to control the number of characters on my viewers name... say like about 15 characters only... :wallbash: or remove all those special characters!! =D

maybe you could try this :wasted: <">this function strips or encodes unwanted characters
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: What part of my WVM CSS or PHP file should i edit to control the number of characters on my viewers name... say like about 15 characters only... :wallbash: or remove all those special characters!! =D

Thanx Otai :thumbsup: I'll try it later... :penguin:
  • » What part of my WVM CSS or PHP file should i edit to control the number of characters on my viewers name... say like about 15 characters only... :wallbash: or remove all those special characters!! =D

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