• » how to make a code that we can choose whether to view a simple page or advanced page like in overlay?? its mean a profile with two layouts that the viewer can choose which layout to use...any code for

Pages: 1

how to make a code that we can choose whether to view a simple page or advanced page like in overlay?? its mean a profile with two layouts that the viewer can choose which layout to use...any code for

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

how to make a code that we can choose whether to view a simple page or advanced page like in overlay?? its mean a profile with two layouts that the viewer can choose which layout to use...any code for

how to make a code that we can choose whether to view a simple page or advanced page like in overlay?? its mean a profile with two layouts that the viewer can choose which layout to use...any code for this??
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: how to make a code that we can choose whether to view a simple page or advanced page like in overlay?? its mean a profile with two layouts that the viewer can choose which layout to use...any code for

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: how to make a code that we can choose whether to view a simple page or advanced page like in overlay?? its mean a profile with two layouts that the viewer can choose which layout to use...any code for

owh..hard to understand the code =|
  • » how to make a code that we can choose whether to view a simple page or advanced page like in overlay?? its mean a profile with two layouts that the viewer can choose which layout to use...any code for

Pages: 1

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