[quote=pink_yeng]hi!!welcum hir in ftalk..^_^..stay active and hve fun postin!!^_^..if u nid help juz pm me or go to the help section..btw, I’m therese..^_^..gud luck 2 u!!^_^[/quote]
[quote=Clarissa.ii]Hi!,Welcome at Ftalk.Read the Rules..
Enjoy Posting!See you Around!.

[quote=cla_15]nice title and intro..very catchy..
yow! welcome to ftalk!
just be good in here ayt?!
hope youll enjoy your stay here..
see yah around siztah!

thanks guys. well, am really a good girl.
i don't bite nice people. i only bite rude people. hehehe!
so if you feel me, just hit me back a'ight?
labyu ol!