• » yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

Pages: 12

yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

[quote=leviel]actually its what im saying if all of us will do wat we think is right then many members will also do the same,so wats the use of the rules? if we just follow our selves?? thats why admin made the rules for Ftlak to be progressive or lets say so ftalk will last long...im not angry ok its just my opinion[/quote] yeah I think your right, it's what keeps us to be progressive and act as it need to be, to be like more organize =). I just mess up my 1st post :wasted: [quote=jamessss:b]..and btw, i missed my old forumates, where we used to confe every night. :cry:[/quote] yeah me too, many people already leave because they're now busy, I think that's one thing too, =| [spoiler]specially in our group :|[/spoiler] [quote=jamessss:b]yes. that's the best solution. but it's so easy to say those kind of words. and probably, not all of us can do the that thing: forgive and forget.[/quote] yes, action speak louder than words =) If everyone in Fstalk could just read what you say :eh: and undestand and then we could all [b] forgive and forget[/b] [quote=losher29]People who have been offending each other. Go here http://theftalk.com/t34686-I-want…......html Common It's Christmas, At least we can have some peace in this world. We already have bunch of problem wars,economy,tragedies, and more. =( God said forgive other no matter HOW BAD the scar they did to you. Now Go forgive each other, I know It's kind of weird to say But It's Christmas day. Just imagine that All of us is in a big big living room, confessing and saying that we are sorry to each other. =) Okay you guys,Good luck.[/quote] nyc one bro :thumbsup:, well I think those people in the link could now understand what they really need to do =), because we're suppose to be unite as one because we're Ftalkers:eh: btw Merry Christmas :)
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

[quote=leviel]i think not all of us is Chatolic =)[/quote] Uhm Religion actually has nothing to do with this sis.
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

so wats were w8ing for lets starting forgiving each other, start renewing our beloved forum, start loving each other... the best way is to start w/ our selves.... apologize to the people you hurt... [b]Lets Bring Back The Nice FriendsterTalk We Have!!![/b]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

I just want to give my opinion to this. Like you, I miss the old Ftalk too. For me the only problem is the glitch between the Moderators and the Members. Well my solution to this is to respect each other, don't ever forget that (this goes to everybody). Even if you are a Newbie or a Moderator. We should respect each other. Everybody is equal. And we're not perfect. Everybody commit mistakes. Can I share my POV about what is really the problem here. So we can avoid it. :D [spoiler]As a Moderator. I've seen a lots of complains about us. And its kinda disappointing to see that all that complains are coming most from Newbies who doesn't have any contribution to this forum. As if we're being paid off on moderating this forum. I just hope even a little consideration from the members will do, For us to feel that we're being paid off in all our hard-works moderating this forum. If you have complains about Moderators. Better to talk to them using PM, or if you can't, just PM admin. That's easy, We dont need to post such rants in public and blaming Moderators for their wrong doing. We should remember. This is not our Life. This is only a Internet World. Why so serius?. Its just for fun, Do your thing and we will do our thing. Focus on the main purpose of FriendsterTalk. [b]FriendsterTalk forum was not meant for arguments.[/b] On behalf of the Moderating team. I apologize if sometimes we committed mistakes. Feel free to correct us but in a right way. There's a PM function and we also have Report function. If you can talk this both in private then do it. Why am I saying this? Because I'm one of those members who's seeing every arguments that really affects the reputation of FriendsterTalk. Lets avoid it. If I was only a ordinary Member here, seeing non stop arguments makes me wanna leave this forum honestly. See where's the other members now?. Lets change it :)[/spoiler] Anyways. Lets help each other here. If there's a will there's a way. God Bless. Merry Christmas everyone. :gift:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

[quote=portuniecho]Anyways. Lets help each other here. If there's a will there's a way. God Bless. Merry Christmas everyone. :gift:[/quote] agree =) with this too, [b] at topic:[/b] I'm just digging here for some history of Friendstertalk before I was born here, to know how this site grow and started haahah, here cud be one point too..this could be one reason again.... :penguin: read this: [quote=Lordheinz]:arrow: I wish this egroup wont cause gap in our friendship..just remember,we are still a family! here in the forum..:thumbsup:[/quote] [quote=Angeli_7]Always remember that egroups are not created for COMPETITION, no one is imitating anyone or trying who's best and all that... that is not the main purpose of this feature... each of us has our own talents and interests and that's one reason why i made an egroup.. we have a different purpose, we're a bunch of crazy members who just love to hang out and talk about music.. we never talk anything bad about other members or even make fun of other egroups.. we are different in our own way :) Yup i agree.. we're still one team... No competition and all that. No fighting on who's best etc. We can be the best in our own ways. :)[/quote] [quote=Angeli_7]Always remember that egroups are not created for COMPETITION, no one is imitating anyone or trying who's best and all that... that is not the main purpose of this feature... each of us has our own talents and interests and that's one reason why i made an egroup.. we have a different purpose, we're a bunch of crazy members who just love to hang out and talk about music.. we never talk anything bad about other members or even make fun of other egroups.. we are different in our own way :) Yup i agree.. we're still one team... No competition and all that. No fighting on who's best etc. We can be the best in our own ways. :)[/quote] see? well before I join any of groups it's not like this, I was like open to all members to friendstertalk, I'm not saying that this the real point..I was just thinking =) no offense btw :thumbsup:
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

the problem become when you all (mods and members) [b]not follow the rules[/b] and [b]not respect other members[/b].. so i hope you all follow the rules and respect members. everything's gonna be okay.

Last edited by AFZULNIZAM (2008-12-23 03:29:02)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

it would be really hard =(
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

[quote=nurdiyana]it would be really hard =([/quote] it will be easy if all of us cooperate... anybody here can call our old forumates?... :D
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

i guess we can do that by just having FTalk as a chatbox where this x-mas, everyone who logs on will only be at chatbox (or a bigger chatbox like Class-S Chatbox) then members cannot access any parts of FTalk, so that there we could talk and say sorry to those we've hurt!
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

^ That won't gonna happen. You can't force everybody to say sorry instead just wait for the right time. :) Merry Christmas everyone.
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

i think if you just wait nothing will happen.. why not try to lessen our super strict attitude i mean.. we can be strict w/out throwing any offending words.. we dont need to be strict (just to say we are cool. lol) and acting like on the top for short acting like a kid remember wer not here to compete wer here to give and take.. peace! happy christmas all!!

Last edited by mirhadz (2008-12-25 12:47:28)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

[quote=edriann007]i guess we can do that by just having FTalk as a chatbox where this x-mas, everyone who logs on will only be at chatbox (or a bigger chatbox like Class-S Chatbox) then members cannot access any parts of FTalk, so that there we could talk and say sorry to those we've hurt![/quote] forcing them to say sorry, its not from the heart... [b]Respect is wat we need!!![/b] anyway.. merry x-mas!!!
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

[b]Just forgive all members here even they don't ask for your sorry.[/b] We couldn't forget nor change things that have happened. But we can do the best for the future. Respect is a must. Never ask people to respect you when you can't respect them. Don't forget that we came from different backgrounds. And what is more, we are here to share and make friends. You can make enemies within seconds, but it will take a long time to make "friends" Gud luck to us.
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

[b]I miss the old ftalk too... There is no cooperation now... <or lets js say ,[/b] [i][b]LACK[/b][/i] [b]of cooperation wd 1 another> I celebrated my 1 year anniv here in ftalk ds nov. 1... I remember d days, that mods, members, and etc were widely connected wd each other. Unlike nw, that there are too much flaming or attempted flaming. And i admit that i committed one. During the chatbox war :/ . Also noticed that dsis a cause of some feuds,chaos, or wat so ever. And others are nt using the report link properly :disgust: . Theres a question for that. Where's the spark of friendstertalk? Thats ol i can say[/b]

Last edited by ---xXirukiTepe--- (2008-12-25 10:40:22)

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

That's why this thread was made > [url]http://theftalk.com/t34686-I-want-to-close-the-gap-between-me-and.......html[/url] For us to close the gaps between you and your enemy. Like everyone, I missed the old ftalk and old members too. But things are changing, not everything is permanent. =|
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

i heard fTalk is nOt like this beFore =(
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

i dunno. i have been to many forums but sad to say.. i really don't like the atmosphere here.. that's on my perception only :rolleyes:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

now its new year lets do our best to make a big change, Lets bring friendstertalk back... now i get your opinions, you get my point. topic can be close now. thank you!!!
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

You have a point there. but how can we make this a better place?
  • » yes im only registered for a less than a year. as i have observe friendstertalk is not the friendstertalk i know. i see now mods and members are fighting for there pride. no offense for this time

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