[spoiler]If this topic/game is already posted..
Well, you know the rest..[/spoiler]
This is a simple, fun game.
Hehe. I keep on posting this in the chatbox,
so I think "How 'bout I make this a game?"
here's how to play..
[quote][b]Example :[/b]
Roses are red.
Violets are [color=blue]blue[/color],
Sugar is sweet,
and so are [color=blue]you[/color].[/quote]
Change the colored text above,
I used blue so the word rhymes with blue is you, or two, or Glue
or anything that rhymes..
You can also try
Red = Bed, Said, Head, Dead
Green = Teen, Mean, Clean, Jean
Pink = wink, sink, stink, blink[/b]
Just think of any color that will rhyme to the last word of your last sentence, ok?
I'll start..
Here's mine..
[quote][i]Roses are red.
Snowflakes are white,
Do you know what's hot today?,
I think it's twilight.[/i][/quote]