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Hi guys, I created this topic so we ftalkers can get much more closer

Share your family background , Its okay if you have a broken family or a happy family

Feel free to tell your family problem and anything that is related to Family :]
[b]The meaning of family.[/b]
The division between sexuality and Eros, whish is so characteristic for the period of maturing, is but a transitional state. Gender in a human being is lying deeper than just his/her physical cover; it is an inalienable quality of his/her nature. Sexual maturing only temporarily polarizes physical and mental desires. This polarization and divergence of sexuality and Eros belongs to a transitional stage and requests the restoration of an initial wholeness. Therefore gender can only find its real expression in marital life. Outside of marriage a normal expression of gender is impossible.
Satisfaction of sexual desires outside of the inspiration that is given in love and completed in marriage is a violation of the law of wholeness, which is inherent to our nature. Naturally, marriage can lead to new difficulties. But if we are looking for a solution for the problems that arise out of the depths of gender, we have to admit that it is not to be found outside of marriage.
Last edited by iCeEcUt3 (2008-12-23 11:42:46)