It sure looks crazy..

[quote=Xian]To anyone who misses Scary Movie you're in for a treat a new movie >> Epic MOvie will be released and it sure is mocking all good films

link: [url][/url][/quote]
Here's a movie I just saw today.
I love watching [b]Transformers[/b] when I was a kid back in the 80s.
But it looks cheap, this live-action I mean haha!
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[b]About the Movie:[/b]
Transformers is a 2007 live action science fiction film conceptually based on the Transformers franchise and toy line. The film is directed by Michael Bay with Steven Spielberg acting as the executive producer. This adaptation is the Transformers' first feature film since The Transformers: The Movie in 1986, (though unrelated) and also sees the return of Peter Cullen as the voice of Autobot leader Optimus Prime, over 20 years since the original cartoon. The film has had intense Internet speculation, and has a release date for July 4, 2007.

[b]Plot (Spoilers):[/b]
Following a battle on Cybertron, events move to the Arctic Circle during the 1800s where Captain Archibald Witwicky is shown chipping away at a massive sheet of ice, only to break through it and fall into the abyss, landing on a robotic hand partially buried in the ice. He finds the eyes of Megatron staring back at him. Megatron burns a map showing the location of the mysterious Allspark into Witwicky's eyeglasses, which are handed down to his descendant, Sam (Shia LaBeouf), in the present day. When Witwicky buys his first car from dealer Bobby Bolivia (Bernie Mac), it happens to be the Autobot Bumblebee, and Witwicky comes under the protection of the Autobots as the Decepticons come looking for the map.
Elsewhere, Decepticons Blackout and Scorponok attack a United States Air Force base in Qatar in the present day. The Allspark has also been referred to as both the Energon Cube and the Energon Crystal; the earliest description credited it as "responsible for Transformer life on Earth." The Allspark is based upon the Creation Matrix of the original Transformers comics.

[b]Official Site:[/b]

[b]Officila Japanese Site:[/b]

[b]Transformers Animated Movie (1986):[/b]

[b]TV Series:[/b]

This is the teaser trailer for Michael Bay's Transformers 2007.

[b]Movie Stills:[/b]
Credits to IMDB for the still images.
Credits to Wikipedia for the movie informations.[/i]
Last edited by Padme (2007-01-27 06:00:00)