Grace Egleel is a unique name her true name is GRCE EGLEEL ALMADIN, 18 years old. Live in Philippines in the City of Ormoc found in the province of Leyte, she is stayin' with her mother Araceli Noya-Almadin in Ormoc City and every summer she take vacation together with her families,friends,and gals. She have a sister Anna, who is older than a year. Grace Egleel taking up Bachelor of Elementary Education in Saint Peter's College of Ormoc (SPC), while her sister Anna taking up Bachelor Science in Accountancy in Western Leyte College (WLC). You know grace grow up without a father, because her father died when she was A month old, and only one gaving everything what they want is just her Mom..... Grace Egleel grow-up with love and passion
She Study in a well-organized and equip school.... Grace study during her pre-school at SPC and graduate in her high school year at New Ormoc City National High School (NOCNHS). And now grace is the one made the fantastic ever poem about love and Life, Because in her statement "It's my habit to write something on a paper especially I am alone."Somebody want to know her in her freakiest joke and a emotional letters for me she is great ever and I am to happy that she is my friend not just for popularity but to know her better.
Cool Right!