I am proud to have a gf very cute, and she is sexy lol, and the important is that she is a very very good girl she help peaple she is a very kind girl, i am so lucky that god give me that kind of gf

A lot for boys is looking at her and court her, but she dont mind them cos she is very faith full with me and i am very faith full with her, it have been 1 year that we are together, our month sary is 24

I am very proud of her cos she work very hard and go to school,she do her best to have a good future, she have a hard life but she alwase keep smiling iven if she have a lot of problems cos she is poor.
I love her so so much from the bottum of my heart and a so so lucky to have her THANKS GOD !!
Take care alwase my love kiss ! mwuah !