[quote][b]Wrote by:Ezil2007[/b]
Mine is:
Windwalk (Nerubian Weaver)

Much Faster ([b]552[/b] ms)

When your mom cermons you just use this skill!

Robbing a bank

Stealing somewhat things[/quote]
552 or 522???
Windwalk or Shukuchi???
bad.. You will windwalk when you will be cermon??thats very bad. better use TIME LAPSE instead.

Well mine is :
[b]Teleport[/b],[b]Wind Walk,[/b][b]REincarnation[/b]---Of course! and [b]Time Lapse[/b] to change the past.LOL! but Time Lapse that is capable of returning a year or weeks or days not seconds....

and also Mirror Image so that I can do KAGE BUNSHIN!
Last edited by networkmancer (2008-05-07 06:12:47)