at sky city cinemas
[align=center]chipster's house? the one wid 'no coz her bf will get mad' hahaha:) why der ate?
sure. date her in m.r magorioum's wonder emporium. hahahahhaha [/align]
[align=center]ahaha., SURE SURE^^ date her derr and we''l buy those incredibly awesome toys!! ^^ she can choose what she want. ill buy it for her:) [/align]
[color=deeppink][align=center][b] @panda : weee thnx that's cool
@lei : wow does he even know ? hahaha ! he must be surprised
ontopic: there ! at chipster's house [/b][/align][/color]
OT: yeah. does he e ven know ate lei? haha., ill bring sum gift for him anyway^^ the taelight book. ahahaah:D
date her in chipster's house.,well be partying derr. ahaha^^
at the Rainbows End