/[b]![/b]\"TO BE APPLIED AT JS EXTENSION"/[b]![/b]\
Choose [color=yellow]Area[/color] below:
[b]Add Box ID:[/b]
[b]Control Panel
Photo Gallery
More About
Fans Box
Media Box
How You Are Connected
Testimonials And Comments
Add Content On ID Without Removing Old Content:
Control Panel
Photo Gallery
More About
Fans Box
Media Box
How You Are Connected
Testimonials And Comments
Special Areas (Advanced Users):
Control Panel Buttons
Main Navigation
Sub Navigation
Navigation Language
There are many ID's in Friendster, Try to experiment to find the suitable ID.[/b]
Add content_ on the are if you want the box inside another box
[b]Inside The Photo Box With Old Content Not Removed[/b]
[b]Default Code:[/b]
[quote]var about;
try {about = document.createElement("div");}
catch (e){about = document.createElement("<div>");}
about.innerHTML = "<div class='commonbox'style='margin-botton:15px'>[color=violet]CONTENT HERE[/color]</div>";
[b]Add Box:[/b]
[quote]var about;
try {about = document.createElement("div");}
catch (e){about = document.createElement("<div>");}
about.innerHTML ="<div class='commonbox'style='margin-botton:15px'>[color=violet]CONTENT HERE[/color]</div>";
[b]Add Content:[/b]
[quote]var about;
try {about = document.createElement("div");}
catch (e){about = document.createElement("<div>");}
about.innerHTML ="<div class='commonbox'style='margin-botton:15px'>[color=violet]CONTENT HERE[/color]</div>";
The width of the box is fixed so no need to tamper with width or height except if you're gonna add overflow command for big images or flash
Apply flash or any HTML Tags through the innerHTML by turning all the[b] "[/b] in embed, orbject or HTML tags into a [b]'[/b]
Change the var and the functions if you now how also the ID like 18 , 2 etc... if you want the box somewhere else.
Use the ideas below:
Apply links this way on the [color=violet]CONTENT HERE[/color] without removing the " marks
[b]Apply URL or Hot Links This Way.[/b]
[quote]<a href='http://www.yahoo.com'target='blank'>Yahoo</a>[/quote]
[b]Apply Image This Way[/b]
[quote]<img src='http://theftalk.com/img/smilies/exclaim.gif'alt='Description of image'>[/quote]
[b]Apply Link Images This Way[/b]
[quote]<a href='http://www.yahoo.com'target='blank'><img src='http://theftalk.com/img/smilies/exclaim.gif'alt='Description of image'></a>[/quote]
Apply this in your JS file and apply in reviews by doing this [url=http://theftalk.com/t2044-save-.js%28JavaScript%29-extension-customize-your-profile..htmll]Method[/url]
Just post here if there's any questions.
Check below the comments box.
May connect boxes if not applied properly.

Works on I.E. and Firefox

http://www.w3schools.com for references.
Doubled Boxes? No more!
Loads Fasts, Loads with all of your scripts.
Short Script...
To add another box just change the [b]function[/b].
Script is already appointed to the .commonbox class of your C.S.S. making it a free hassle code like the addbox funtion, but I used [b]div class[/b] tag.
Bandwidth Friendly.
Can be used as a base script.
May not work on all div ID's, still finding that particular one though...
Add another box?
Example this is your default code...
[quote]var [b]about[/b];
try {[b]about[/b] = document.createElement("div");}
catch (e){[b]about[/b] = document.createElement("<div>");}
[b]about[/b].innerHTML = "<div class='commonbox'style='margin-botton:15px'>[color=violet]CONTENT HERE[/color]</div>";
On the code you will see the word [b]about[/b] is on bold text. Change the bold text to your own function...
[quote]var [b]ephe[/b];
try {[b]ephe[/b] = document.createElement("div");}
catch (e){[b]ephe[/b] = document.createElement("<div>");}
[b]ephe[/b].innerHTML = "<div class='commonbox'style='margin-botton:15px'>[color=violet]CONTENT HERE[/color]</div>";
The code above you may notice the word [b]about[/b] was changed to [b]ephe[/b]. What I did was I change the function.
Just use the guide above as guide to know how to add more boxes.
Just change the [color=yellow]Area[/color] ok?
Last edited by Ephemeral (2009-03-11 12:55:08)