baca nih
[quote=mylaedylilly]plis..u can do so in others topic here but [b]DO NOT POST UNNECESSARY POST IN THE STICKY TOPICS![/b]
this is

[b]NO JOKE[/b]
because u guys are just making it harder for those who really in needs with the topic
you can post 1000000+ spams per day in other topics[i](if the mods allow..but i guess malaysian mods will just have to allow this since it cant be helped anymore)[/i] but please avoid doing so in the sticky ones
i suggest since the rules are no longer in need here..just [b]DELETE[/b] the topic
i guess..MALAYSIAN are meant to break the rules anywhere and anytime
such an uncivilized behaviour they had
i think..the mentality can no longer be changed
since the spammers are getting lots and lots more are coming too
do wteva u want with my topic(s)[/quote]
ni yg aku nak marah ni

sebab aku xthn tgk dorang
ble tegur ade yg xpueh hati
maka aku nk menyepam..supaya dorang taw ape prasaan ble bace org spam byk2
so..equity is achieved