» yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
[quote=dodixx]ga ada yang punya baground My chemical romance ya...?
hiks...hiks... [/quote]
Bersabar aja ya bro..
kayaknya banyak tuh yg punya background MCR..
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
mmm.. bisa request yaa ?
bisa request yg ttg musik, klo bs ad wrna ijo nyaa
kloo gaa aku mintaa background headphone wrnaa ijo
abisnyaa aku nyari kbnykn warna pink
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
welcome malindacheah.
do u live in hongkong ?
or jakarta ? surabaya ??
i cant answer your question cz i dont know what must i say, maybe mod can answer it.
oyy mod !!!! jawab dong nih pertanyaan !!
bcanda mod, jgn marah yaa aku triak2
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
Yes I Live in Hong Kong but I was born in Jakarta , schooling in Surabaya , married with Malaysia citizenship ( chines ) and now we living in Hong Kong.
I need your guys to guide me hoe to make background for friendster . I saw an fews friendster friends their background really creative and attractive , coz I dont know how to do it . that why I need your help.
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
[quote=malindacheah]Yes I Live in Hong Kong but I was born in Jakarta , schooling in Surabaya , married with Malaysia citizenship ( chines ) and now we living in Hong Kong.
I need your guys to guide me hoe to make background for friendster . I saw an fews friendster friends their background really creative and attractive , coz I dont know how to do it . that why I need your help.
Welcome to FT Indonesia Linda..
Nice to see you here..
Enjoy your visiting and have a nice posting..
Sering2 join ya di forum kebanggaan kita ini...
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
Dear all member ...
Any body can help me .. how to make a background in FS site , I just know to make an ordinary or paste from the layouts there were was created before. but what I want is new look and nice view , same like an fews member has done create .... sparkle every boxes
I will be glade if one of the member would like to guide me or give me address of the web which is make background for FS . you can send to my mail box... malinda_razar@yahoo.com . I thank you for your help
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
[quote=malindacheah]Dear all member ...
Any body can help me .. how to make a background in FS site , I just know to make an ordinary or paste from the layouts there were was created before. but what I want is new look and nice view , same like an fews member has done create .... sparkle every boxes
I will be glade if one of the member would like to guide me or give me address of the web which is make background for FS . you can send to my mail box... malinda_razar@yahoo.com . I thank you for your help
thx for visited indonesian forum sis..
anyway what can layout you want sis..
pls explaining here for help me easy to make it
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
[quote=malindacheah]Dear all member ...
Any body can help me .. how to make a background in FS site , I just know to make an ordinary or paste from the layouts there were was created before. but what I want is new look and nice view , same like an fews member has done create .... sparkle every boxes
I will be glade if one of the member would like to guide me or give me address of the web which is make background for FS . you can send to my mail box... malinda_razar@yahoo.com . I thank you for your help
uuhhhmm....... Possibly this that you the intention
[i]- sorry 4 my bad english -[/i]
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
Hi, [b]inal lc[/b].. lam kenal Keep share, bro! Tapi baiknya jangan pake sticky caps ya & menuju ke thread introduce dulu, ok!
Anyway, nice 2 know u!
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
buat kk kk senior gw bisa minta tolong ga ....?
gw pengen punya BG buat FS gw
tp gw ga bisa photoshop buat bikin nya
klo ada yg berbaik hati bisa ga bikinin buat gw ( BG aja.. )
cupu saya
klo bisa temanya rastafara gitu sama bob marley dan marijuana nya
thznk's before
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
[quote=INAL LC]anak Baru numpang Gabung Nih..
Mo nYoba sHARE Bacground yah...
woaaaaaaaaaaaah.... nice bekgron dude
ajeb2 dah..........
ampun dj !!!!!!!! ~ welcome and lam kenal ~
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
[b][color=#ff0a00]W[/color][color=#ff1400]e[/color][color=#ff1e00]l[/color][color=#ff3200]c[/color][color=#ff3c00]o[/color][color=#ff4600]m[/color][color=#ff5a00]e[/color] [color=#ff6e00]t[/color][color=#ff7800]o[/color] [color=#ff8200]f[/color][color=#ff8c00]r[/color][color=#ff9600]i[/color][color=#ffa000]e[/color][color=#ffa000]n[/color][color=#ffa000]d[/color][color=#ffa000]s[/color][color=#ff9600]t[/color][color=#ff9600]e[/color][color=#ffa000]a[/color][color=#ff1400]l[/color][color=#ff7800]k[/color][/b][b][color=blue] Inal lc [/color][/b]
ouh ia disini tidak diperbolehkan [b]StiCky CapS[/b]
bagusnya berkunjung kesini dulu bro
sama kesini http://theftalk.com/t81-heyy..para-indonesia..-%5Bintroduce-urself%21%5D.html
[img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z223/dj_dhey/dance.gif[/img][img]http://www.geocities.com/darkfreed/moodicon/69.gif[/img] :rose: [b][color=blue]enjoy the forum and see u around [/color][/b]:rose:[img]http://www.geocities.com/darkfreed/moodicon/69.gif[/img][img]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z223/dj_dhey/dance.gif[/img]
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
[quote=dj_dhey][quote=malindacheah]Dear all member ...
Any body can help me .. how to make a background in FS site , I just know to make an ordinary or paste from the layouts there were was created before. but what I want is new look and nice view , same like an fews member has done create .... sparkle every boxes
I will be glade if one of the member would like to guide me or give me address of the web which is make background for FS . you can send to my mail box... malinda_razar@yahoo.com . I thank you for your help
thx for visited indonesian forum sis..
anyway what can layout you want sis..
pls explaining here for help me easy to make it [/quote]
some sort like ladyjean's profile. or LG profile . could you go to them profile ? so please let me know when u got it
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
[quote=INAL LC]anak Baru numpang Gabung Nih..
Mo nYoba sHARE Bacground yah...
Sealamat datang dan selamat bergabung buat [b]INAL LC[/b] di FT Indonesia yaaa..
Sering2 join ya di forum kebanggaan kita ini...
Enjoy your visiting and have a nice posting...
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
[quote=malindacheah]some sort like ladyjean's profile. or LG profile . could you go to them profile ? so please let me know when u got it
Can you post what the FS address is??
Re: yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua
this is her FS address ...http://www.friendster.com/liagerhard
I need a help from moderator hoe to make a background like her ....
Thanks before and after
» yah walaupun dah ada di forum f[b]riendster graphics[/b] tapi c saiiah liat" kok kebanyakan yang posting cma siggy doank and yang posting backg blom ada jd s saiaah mencoba memberanikan diri untuk bua