so far im playing counter-strike im an addict in this game since i got high school

haha and now im playing all the versions of this game cs, cs condition zero, cs source, half-life, half-life 2.
cs source needs a higher video card mostly 128mb and higher will do to play 3d game graphics, and i recommend nvidia ge-force for your better video enhancement, it can set to opengl mode specially those who playing first person view depending on how did you arrange your system.
visit [url][/url] for more info about video cards to have a list
so far i learned how to edit this game im still noob about this shooting game

im still getting hit on an easy difficulty haha!
to others if you are interested to have a game in your own pc, i recommend that you should have a bittorent client or the other program that can process a torrent file, if you want a game... search fo a torrent just be patient downloading it and good luck.