[quote=xPEPPERMINTx;#3561677;1272962986]But I think it's a bit small so I can't identify their faces..

Top--Left to right; [b]Kiseop[/b](the member who doesn't get any part. Has really yummy abs. :">), [b]Dongho[/b](the maknae often called chipmunk because he eats like one..according to Kevin and Alexander), [b]Kevin[/b](the main vocalist, I guess. He and Soohyun always have a lot of parts. Also has a female aura. lol SNSD Jessica's look-a-like XD Fluent in English), [b]Eli[/b](the rapper. Can speak English not Engrish and Chinese? My <333 in this group. Doesn't have abs but looks sexy as hell in sleeveless shirts. \D/)
Bottom--Left to right; [b]Kibum[/b](SS501's Hyung Joon's younger brother, er, has a cute smile? lol I don't really know much about him. I like his brother than him. XD) [b]Soohyun[/b](2AM Jokwon's rumoured boyfriend.

Ex-JYPE trainee. Good friends with 2PM members..well that's according to the fancam I watched the other day.) and [b]Alexander[/b](can speak 7 languages, also has that female aura. His 'condition' is worse than Kevin's. XDD I think he's the oldest member. Urgh. I'm not quite sure though) U-Kiss doesn't have a leader and they don't live together unlike other groups. ;D
I hope that helped! :")
[quote=oOpunkrockeranimeOo;#3561162;1272946095]KANGIN'S..........leaving for the ARMY?

Just don't let him cut his hair. Gaaah. I saw Joo Jihoon (the guy from Princess Hours) and his hair was so terrible. Boom's was also not good. But Lee Junki's looks cute. ((((: Anyway, he is Kangin..so any hairstyle should freaking fit him.

[quote=Christianne;#3559661;1272859440]-NU ABO - f (x ) exited? like YEA~[/quote]
I saw their teaser photos. What's with Krystal's hair? O_______O I like Amber's style once again.

[quote=cutest08;#3559941;1272865764]JUNSU NEH~ Lets give an aplauce to dolphin. WAAAHH

Oh wait, I am not yet ready to watch that MV.

[size=4]About SJ's new concept, I CANNOT WAIT ANYMORE!!

Last edited by eney0715 (2010-05-04 11:27:12)