Re: Reading an ebook of Bob Ong, kill me now I know its illegal. :lol: And doing something in Tumblr and Facebook.
Just saw a street fight. T__T
I mean, A literall street fight, not the video game.
Worst is, my two guy friends are the one fighting.
I just hate it when boys do that.
You know, like..
[i]sige oh! suntukan! kala mo walangya kang @#$%!@ ka![/i]
[i]dito oh! @#$%! ka pala eh, gag*[/i]
Makes me look down on them.
I respect them but what they just did is indeed unrespectfull.
[b]Moving on[/b]..
Who's watching Personal taste?!
Geez, Minho's such a cutiee.
Though I still preffer Hye Sun for him.
anyways, end of rant. ^^