Re: Reading an ebook of Bob Ong, kill me now I know its illegal. :lol: And doing something in Tumblr and Facebook.
i don't know why but my parents decided to be nice and buy me a new ps3 controller..a blue one to boot. And Tekken6..and couple of shirts. How nice to have them in a good mood
I'm waiting for my brother to finish playing though =___=
Re: Reading an ebook of Bob Ong, kill me now I know its illegal. :lol: And doing something in Tumblr and Facebook.
^lol normal
Preparing and mixing my [url=]emma tighiyawat[/url] for tonight's gig
and as well as my line 6 M9
Re: Reading an ebook of Bob Ong, kill me now I know its illegal. :lol: And doing something in Tumblr and Facebook.
Currently LOL'd so hard on this [url=]youtube video[/url] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
I gotta take a bath nao
Re: Reading an ebook of Bob Ong, kill me now I know its illegal. :lol: And doing something in Tumblr and Facebook.
Uh. The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Boooo. It's nice, but the fight scenes with Morgana was just like, 2 minutes. And they're all talking about how strong she is. Ohh. Fail. XD Not what I expect, sorry.