Re: Reading an ebook of Bob Ong, kill me now I know its illegal. :lol: And doing something in Tumblr and Facebook.
[quote=eizarg;#3509938;1270400580]my belly is aching.[/quote]
what?! you have a belly?! i thought it's all tummy..[i]puro tiyan walang puson...[/i]JOKE! love you ate!
laughing at my cousin..he's trying to skateboard but the board cant carry his weight hahaha! it's not moving!!!!
Re: Reading an ebook of Bob Ong, kill me now I know its illegal. :lol: And doing something in Tumblr and Facebook.
[quote=cla_15;#3510644;1270455570]what?! you have a belly?! i thought it's all tummy..puro tiyan walang puson...JOKE! love you ate![/quote]
tse!! Since it`s your birthday [i]hahayaan kita ngayon[/i]
is farming and plurking.