Re: Reading an ebook of Bob Ong, kill me now I know its illegal. :lol: And doing something in Tumblr and Facebook.
Reading a memoir I absolutely have [b]no[/b] interest in. It's so uninteresting, that you can't find [i]anything[/i] on Google about it. Not a summary, not an analysis... nothing. FML.
I hate my lit professor. D:
Re: Reading an ebook of Bob Ong, kill me now I know its illegal. :lol: And doing something in Tumblr and Facebook.
[quote=eizarg;#3546897;1272345391]It`s HOT here.[/quote]
same here; i soo want to swiiim ;'>
@t:tumblr[i]ing[/i], munching some popcorns and searching stuffs about mentos bomb. (idkwhy but im kinda interested in it. HAHAHA.k; call me weird.)