• » Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

Pages: 123

Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

Your works are amazing Gab! The new ones are waaaaaay awesome! (Fave: Friends Forever) Hope to see more of your great work. Keep them up Gab~ :thumbsup:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

Waah..I like friends forever. I like the background it's like contrasting with the people in the photo. Well done, you did again Ate Gab!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa. :lol3: I love the starbucks addiction. :lol3: Nice photo`s you got there. :)Like harvii said you have a great future in Photography. :yes2:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

love them all!! :D :D :D keep it up!! :thumbsup:
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

EHHHHH? An excellent graphics maker [color=red]+[/color] a professional photographer = [color=red]BLACKMAMBA.[/color] Okay. First of all, you didn't.. studied.. [color=blue]PHOTOGRAPHY[/color]?! Wow, you're a natural. I love those shots, it's very excellent indeed, and you had nice quality photos. None of those have blurry and messy shots, and you take photos in a good position. (Eh, why didn't you joined the Photography Contest?) I love effects you did, especially those ones in the flowers, I love the sharp focus on it. Overall, you are a very good photographer, and whoa.. I mean it! I really love those shots. Ahaha. Snap more! Lolsss. (Can't give you a +repu for naoo.)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

you really talented!! :cool:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

[align=center][color=red][b]Guys! Two new photos have been added to the first post entitled, [i]"Crossfire"[/i] and [i]"Melancholy."[/i] Check them out! :D[/b][/color][/align] [quote]@koy1991 Thank you! :D You sir, are awesome as well. ^^ @dondon Dooonnn! Arigatou gozaimasu! :D Hehe. I try my best. I'm glad my photography's "professional-looking." I still have lots to learn, though. :] @mYjOon14 Hehe, thank you! I'll definitely post more. @rebeliouz_gurl87 Glad you love them all. ^^ Thanks! @nanix84 Will do! Thanks for visiting my thread even though you're not that attracted to photography. @xwiitz_az_candii Thanks! Hehe. That's my latest favorite, too. We had a lot of fun shooting. :] @harvii: Thank youuuu. :D @snypzelle Me too. :lol3: I was experimenting with that photo and I was glad the Starbucks cup was backlit. xD @shana16 Thanks, shana! :D @oniongurl I'm not a professional photographer yet, but I'm glad you think I am! It means a lot. ^^ And yes, I didn't study photography. I'd love to, but I just don't have time to at the moment. Computer Science is taking all my time. T.T lol, I didn't get to join the photography contest because I was sort of not that active last December 2009. :/ Thank you sooo much for the many compliments! :hug: @iloveryo Thank you very much! :][/quote] [align=center][color=red][b]Guys! Two new photos have been added to the first post entitled, [i]"Crossfire"[/i] and [i]"Melancholy."[/i] Check them out! :D[/b][/color][/align]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

^Again, mega-awesome stuffs :thumbsup::yes2::woohoo: I like the colours in Crossfire :wow2: and the alignment? (if that's what you call it luls) :xixi::xixi:
OMG!...Fab is there
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

Wow Gab, I'm impressed :thumbsup: I like the whole especially the starbucks :xixi: It's like I wanna learn photography now, haha, hey, keep up the goodwork Gab! :love:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

[b]@harvii:[/b] Thanks for visiting my thread, harvii! :D Yeah, I like the colors, too. I also like how the clouds look fire-y. Hehe. ^^; [b]@Fab:[/b] Thank you! :> I'm glad I impressed you. :lol3: You should! It's very... interesting and fulfilling, I guess. At least, that's how it is for me. Hehe. It won't hurt to try, right? ;D Thanks again! More pictures should be up soon. I rarely have photo ops so. :/ [align=center][quote][size=2][color=red][b]A new photo entitled, [i]"Counting Down the Days"[/i] has been added to the first post! Please check it out. :D[/b][/color][/size][/quote] [/align]
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

You've got the talent, fella. :D I admire every single photograph you post here. Starbucks is pretty common as an object, isn't it? But I don't see that common thing. Means, I don't see the usual green Starbucks. Instead, I pretty much love that picture. :3 Do develop your passion (and talent) by posting more! :3
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

[quote=xPEPPERMINTx;#3524053;1271322987]You've got the talent, fella. :D I admire every single photograph you post here. Starbucks is pretty common as an object, isn't it? But I don't see that common thing. Means, I don't see the usual green Starbucks. Instead, I pretty much love that picture. :3 Do develop your passion (and talent) by posting more! :3[/quote] Thank you very much! :D Yeah, most Starbucks photos are usually showing off some color so I decided to go monochromatic on this one. I think it fits well with the well-lit background. xD I'll do my best to post more. ^^; [align=center][quote][size=2][color=red][b]A new photo entitled, [i]"Dew"[/i] has been added to the first post! Please check it out. :D[/b][/color][/size][/quote] [/align]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

I am amazed Gab. You are a very good photographer. :) I like your new photos,you should put some pictures of you. :eh2:
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

[quote=pinkprincess18;#3535256;1271785235]I am amazed Gab. You are a very good photographer. I like your new photos,you should put some pictures of you.[/quote] Thank you, Jho! :hug: Haha! I couldn't post pictures of me because I would need another photographer for that. And that wouldn't be Clandestine Photography™ anymore because I didn't take it. :xixi: Once I get home to the Philippines, I'll see if I can work my magic on a tripod so I could take photos of myself. :lol3:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

[b]WOW as in W-O-W[/b]. You`re amazing. I envy you. >.< And oh! I like the [b]CRASH INTO ME[/b]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

[quote=blackmamba;#3535263;1271785598]Once I get home to the Philippines, I'll see if I can work my magic on a tripod so I could take photos of myself.[/quote] I remember that my cousin has the tripod and infact he usually take pictures of himself.You should take that too so you can show us your face. =) Oh Yeah[i] The Boys[/i] and [i]The Love[/i] pictures are totally amazing. :D
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

[b]Coooooooooooooooooooool o.o[/b] It's a really good thing I dropped by your thread. Just OH-mazing[b]![/b] Sharp eyes :lol: Hahaha. Your photos are just splendid. I really wish I'd have a DSLR camera. You're so lucky [b]T.T[/b] Anyways, keep up the good work[b]![/b] :thumbsup: Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos.
» FTalkFreak
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

[quote=eizarg;#3535278;1271785868]WOW as in W-O-W. You`re amazing. I envy you. >.< And oh! I like the CRASH INTO ME[/quote] Don't envy me. :shy: Hehe. With practice, you should be able to produce better pictures than I do. ;D [quote=pinkprincess18;#3535288;1271786203]I remember that my cousin has the tripod and infact he usually take pictures of himself.You should take that too so you can show us your face. =)[/quote] Thanks! Oh, my avatar right now [i]is[/i] my face. :lol3: At least, half of it. O_O But yeah, I'll definitely do my best to take pictures of myself. Although that would be super... weird for me. Haha! [quote=Dnky;#3535455;1271800975]Coooooooooooooooooooool o.o It's a really good thing I dropped by your thread. Just OH-mazing! Sharp eyes :lol: Hahaha. Your photos are just splendid. I really wish I'd have a DSLR camera. You're so lucky T.T Anyways, keep up the good work! :thumbsup: Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos.[/quote] Thank you for dropping by! :D Hahaha. Yeah, I tend to find beauty in everything. That's why I love photography! So people could see the beauty even in the simplest things. ^^ Well, it's not really about the camera. :] It's the vision behind it. ;D So if you wanna practice photography, have vision! Worry about the camera later. A DSLR just basically gives you a super high quality picture anyway. ;D Hehe. But I do understand our wants. xD Thank you veryyy much! Please drop by again! :hug:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

The new one is cool
  • » Whoaaa.... I sooo love ur works! :o even though I am not that attracted to photography... but ur works are awesome :blush::wow2: keep the updates coming :wow2:

Pages: 123

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