here's my story..
i was in grade 3 back then.. i accompanied my bestfriend to their house because she was scared. she told me she was the first to arrive home and that the key that was hidden in their porch was the key to their back door. i remember it was only a week ago when my bestfriend's aunt hung herself in their partially finished kitchen. since she was eager to change clothes because our playmates were waiting for us in the meadow, we have no choice but to enter their house through their back door. we slowly walked our way through their partially finished kitchen. i noticed that the rope her aunt used to hung herself was still there. it gave me goosebumps all over my body! then finally we reached their old kitchen. a door was separating it from the partially finished kitchen. i slowly closed the door. just when i pushed the lock of the doorknob, three knocks on the door stunned us! the knocks were coming from the partially finished kitchen. though it was impossible that there was someone there because we locked the back door! we ran to her bedroom and she quickly changed clothes. we ran out of the house as fast as we could!
though this event was way back 1999, i could still remember every moment of it!

this story was from my friend.. this one scared the hell out of me! i dont know but whenever i remember this story, the hairs in my neck stand stiff..

my friend was, at that time, alone in their house. her father was in the hospital and so is her mom and siblings. she was in their living room watching tv. she was alone because her sister dont want to stay in their house after her encounter with the headless man in their kitchen. her sister got high fever because of that event. she was lying in their sofa that night when unconsciously she closed her eyes and held her right hand to her face. when she opened her eyes (her hand was still in her face. she could only see thru her fingers) she saw a boy who was staring directly into her eyes just two inches away from her face! she could see the pair of black eyes looking straight at her! she was so shocked and couldn't scream. it took her a minute to grasp the reality of that incident.

so when she was able to move, she closed her eyes and prayed really really hard! when she finally opened her eyes, the boy was gone.
i forgot if she ever slept that night. i bet she didn't.. coz if it was me, id rather stay in my neighbor's house, that is if they were still awake..

here's another, also from my friend and this gave me a very difficult time to sleep.. also scared the very hell out of me!
it was almost midnight but she and her roommates were still awake. there were 3 of them in that room. then they heard someone talking or more like saying some orations outside their boarding house. so they looked in their window and saw two men in black cloaks walking down the street. it was like they were in a procession though there were only two of them. one of the men was holding a big iron rod with something like a symbol on the top that they dont recognize. they ignored them thinking it was just a procession or something. after 1am they decided to sleep. but not more than an hour when my friend and her other roommate were awaken by the loud groan of their other roommate. it was like she was having a nightmare or [i]bangungot[/i]. they eventually tried to awake her. when her roommate was awake, she burst into tears and told them her nightmare. it was the two men in black cloaks they have seen that night outside their boarding house. one of them was beside her and strangling her and the other one with the iron rod was in her feet. they were all scared so they prayed hard. they did not try or bother to sleep that night.
--- i could feel the cold thingy running down my spine when i was writing this!