• » [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

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[b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

[b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

[b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes since I watch it on youtube, and that is still RAW. so I am really glad I can review this. take 26 screen shots, that I will merge some like Bakatest review. I found it is more interesting to read, even it take time to crop and merge it haha. so here it is... ups beware of OTPs !!! [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3-6.jpg[/img] [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3-1.jpg[/img] Okay so continuing from Japan visits Greece. As you see they are viewing the Sparta ruins. Talking about Sparta... I remember a comedy video that I found on Youtube that belongs to somekinda Sparta movie, I dont know that there is something like that, but the voice is re-dubbed with Indonesians and it make it so hilarious.. thought I didnt watch till the end -because I think it's stupid- but it's really popular among IT users here. [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3--1.jpg[/img] Japan : Back then in my home we have a time like Spartan-teaching Greece : Nihon.. did you hunt.. study.. and.. fight during that time? Japan : Oh my, nothing that far. Okay speaking about their conversation these to are the same 'slow' people or 'Lemot' in Indonesia that acts really slow, sorry I dont know in english so listening to their conversation is really boring. -.- Still they're cute! [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3--2.jpg[/img] Okay now Greece is talking about his dream to reborn as a cat. daww he's really lazy like me *kicked by Greece's fans* [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3--3.jpg[/img] Listening that, makes Kiku want to see how suit Greece wearing cats ear. haha for his own interest! :D [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3--4.jpg[/img] Greece : I cant believe... he do this.. to me. Japan : aaah... it really suits him. Greece : Ohh, he's really nice. Japan : I am gotta try another style. okay that is an OTP ! XDD btw Japan is cute.. *v* b [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3-13.jpg[/img] yoo here it is our Turkey-san. He's rather cool isnt it? :3 Love triangle : [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3--5.jpg[/img] So they are arguing who is the closest one to Japan. Greece or Turkey? [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/lunapic_127118518496285_.gif[/img] Sorry for the awesomely failed animation. So who is the closest? for real! So I am browsing on Wikipedia and found these interesting articles related to it : [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greece%E2%80%93Japan_relations]Japan-Greece relation[/url] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan%E2%80%93Turkey_relations]Japan-Turkey relation[/url] So what do you think the closest? lol nobody knows since Japan is nice. btw, kinda doubt at the first time about this rather far relation.. Greece-Turkey faraway in the east while Japan is the west. But lets ask Japan itself!! [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3-19.jpg[/img] Japan : Dou-shiyooo? is it time for OTP? oh sorry, discussing serious problem here.. *lol* [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3-20-1.jpg[/img] GTFO ! He's the one who is not serious! lol [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3-21-1.jpg[/img] Japan : This is awkward.. no, you three looks like a fool for me. -.- [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3--6.jpg[/img] so Japan offer a lame act to them to make an ice climber - or something like that, my dad says this kinda word.. ;A; [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3--7.jpg[/img] but hey, this lame joke really scare them!! please I cant stop laughing... -.- okay that's it for episode 03. For the next episode, I dont have any speculation, I finished the volume 2 manga long time ago so I totally forgot about it. btw, talking about Korea-tan.. [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/worldseries3-27copy.jpg[/img] The first time I realize korea is right there, yeah people talking about Korea on the Ending Theme thingy, but this is the first time I realize about it. yooo sayonara Korea-tan.. [b]Extra Info[/b] : Durarara!! DVD voume 1 and 2 is on number 17th and 9th on Japan's Animation DVD ranking March 29-April 4 while Hetalia : Axis Powers DVD volume 8 is on number 16th right after Durarara!! DVD volume 1. source : ANN reviewed by [url=http://nina-sakura.blogspot.com]Nina~Sakura[/url]
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

Waaah. Japan is so cute >.< The two scares to Japan XDD,poor Canada ;-; beaten up by Amerika and Feliciano is the light hair one right? Im confused to them T_T hes so cute brother ((:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

[quote=cutest08;#3525752;1271411696]Waaah. Japan is so cute >.< The two scares to Japan XDD,poor Canada ;-; beaten up by Amerika and Feliciano is the light hair one right? Im confused to them T_T hes so cute brother ((:[/quote] Amerika - Canada and Veliciano - Romano both of them are cute!! and yes Veliciano is the light one! XD
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

BTW,It said Korea should be in the Characters of Hetalia. He was have a picture or anime appearance but it was removed at the site. So he didnt appear. [spoiler][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090325032414/hetalia/images/f/f7/KoreaAnime.jpg[/img][/spoiler] Anyway,Im just know in EP.1 Hungary was strong~ Ive read,that She beaten Austria too! XD Review the Ep.4 Now LOL.

Last edited by cutest08 (2010-04-21 09:01:40)

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

[quote=cutest08;#3536653;1271854731]Review the Ep.4 Now LOL.[/quote] okay please review it then.. I love nomnomnomnom Porando~ [quote=cutest08;#3536653;1271854731]BTW,It said Korea should be in the Characters of Hetalia. He was have a picture or anime appearance but it was removed at the site. So he didnt appear.[/quote] and he should be [u]removed[/u]. but fans kept mentioning him. [quote=cutest08;#3536653;1271854731]Anyway,Im just know in EP.1 Hungary was strong~ Ive read,that She beaten Austria too! XD[/quote] yeah, she's a Yandere (above her looks? =3=) but she married Austria now. [s]and I totally happy for it, Prussia/Ore-sama is no suits for her[/s]
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

[align=center][img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick.jpg[/img] [b] Hetalia World Series Episode 05 Sick Iggy/UK/England/Arthur = H.O.T[/b][/align] woopsy.. sorry for such fangirly title.. because Iggy is indeed hot.. maybe because he was catching a cold.. but also hot from the outside.. :3 Hehe first time seeing from the announcement of the next episode by Hetalia LJ Community.. that ill awesomely hot Iggy catches my eyes.. I nearly nosebleed cuz I've yearned Iggy's appearance very much.. some of them call this episode a fanservice, well lets just read my review. [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-1.jpg[/img] the reason why Iggy like this is unknown, might be explained on the next episode. So.. Francis definitely take a chance to bully Iggy. [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/iggysick-2.jpg[/img] but then he worries because there isnt any response came from Iggy. From insult to care, that's a nice one France. ;) [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/iggysick-3.jpg[/img] [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-4.jpg[/img] Okay that's cute and nice.. *v* and also I love his eyebrow moving trembly.. makes more hot! :x_x: [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-5.jpg[/img] [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-8.png[/img] [s]adafagah cute![/s] so Iggy, I mean Arthur gaining concious, of course Francis relieved. Then Arthur said something, "You have a cold to worry about too.. dont you?" with such a low voice, and suddenly.. [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-9.jpg[/img] [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-10.jpg[/img] he's unconcious and makes Francis and me suprised and become utterly worried. And Francis said, "Eeee.. England's being infected by some weird virus!"Ouh agreed because normally even Arthur is sick he still can react by those insults like an episode where he sick with Alfred. what's the explanation behind this? Well it will be on the next episode. ;3 [align=center][img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-11.jpg[/img] [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 05 Toris-san/Lithuania's Bad dream continues[/b][/align] so as the title said, we continue Lithuania and Poland's relation, a bit summary from the last episode: Lithuania heard an evil plan of Russia to invade Poland so then he called Poland to prepare against Russia, but Poland's taking it easy, so what will be Poland's doing know? [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-12.jpg[/img] I state this as a bad dream because he first seems dreaming about the day he separated from Poland. "Yaaaa~! I Won! Russia is so mighty!!" okay this is the first time I admit Russia-tan is cute *v* [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-13.jpg[/img] [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-14.jpg[/img] he then said that Lithuania seems smart so he takes him so he can use him. Of course Lithuania cant accept that, so he called Poland for awaken. [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-15.jpg[/img] But Poland just lie there and laughing at Lithuania's expression. [s]as expected from Poland[/s] Lol Lithuania for doing that desserve a laugh indeed.. [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-16.jpg[/img] Then he awakes and yelled, "THAT BASTARD!" and awaken the other baltics.. damn I love these trios.. @.@ [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-17.jpg[/img] Lithuania is a worrier so the next day he called Poland to ask how far Poland preparation. [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-18.jpg[/img] but uhh stupid Poland, he imagines his country got an air turbo that can fly high to avoid Russia. "Zooooom!!!" Poor Lithuania to have such friend... wait.. it havent finish yet.. :3 "So then I like to go to your house then.." [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-20.jpg[/img] That Poland's peace fell on Lithuania and the people go.. "Ahhhh!!!" also Lithuania-san.. Then Poland said that he already prepared a move yesterday, "You guys will see.." that was he said, and suddenly Russia-san shoutout histerically... [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-21.jpg[/img] "I got this frightening letter," cried him. It's a warning that if he dont send the letter to 3 person in 3 days.. the capital (which mean Russia) will become Warsaw (Poland's Capital) by Anonymous taht is definately Poland.. -.- [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-22.jpg[/img] So Poland innocently thought that Russia have no friends.. but Lithuania said to him that he DO have subordinates.. awww poor Trio and Poland... [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-23.jpg[/img] Next scene shown Lithuania remembers a day with Poland when Poland said something really nice that this is the only reason why Lithuania keep worrying for Poland.. [img]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/nahdahs/Photos/Screen%20shots/Iggysick-24.jpg[/img] Hang on there Lithuania-san.. you should happy to have such abnormal cheerfull friend. reviewed by[url=http://nina-sakura.blogspot.com/2010/04/hetalia-world-series-episode-05-sick.html]Nina-Sakura[/url]
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

Now I'm already watch.. till in Ep 1 without Sub.. :-_-: yah... already download 1-3 4 and 5 haven't release yet :-_-:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

[quote=Rikugo;#3553799;1272620265]already download 1-3 4 and 5 haven't release yet :-_-:[/quote] wh-what do you mean havent released yet o.O maybe I should share some episodes download to you?? [quote=Rikugo;#3553799;1272620265]without Sub.. :-_-: yah...[/quote] at least I got it all solved.. -.-
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

[quote=Nina~Sakura;#3558435;1272803825]wh-what do you mean havent released yet o.O maybe I should share some episodes download to you??[/quote] It's ok Now I'm downloading ep 4-6
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

Afte finished Hetalia S1 and S2 ,finally I catched Hetalia World Serious .Oh well DEEN , Animation alittle improved .Good job \o/ Ep 9 was cute , Chibi Romano and Ita-chan cuteness overload! XD
» FTalkAgent
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Re: [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

Oh, I know this animu because I watched it once. I thought the topic was about WW2. It was really cute as well as educational. :3 However, I didn't watch further so I think I can't keep up with this thread. Sorry. :no:
  • » [b]Hetalia World Series Episode 03 [/b] yuush.. back to reviewing!~ XD I was browsing on nwanime and found this episode is already out + subbed ! So sorry that I didnt review the last 2 episodes sin

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