[quote][b]A Little Something Bout' The Designer[/b]
My Name is Alyssa, You can call me "Yssa" [i](pronounced as issa)[/i] for short, Have been breathing and living since year [b]1998[/b], So.. As you have noticed i love the color "Black", Well it really looks good tee-hee.
I Love Art, Music, Photography, Purple, Black, My Family and My Bestfriend.
Since your knowing something about me, I gotta say.. Im not "Emo" just kinda.. Im a "Rocking" person.
Simple.. Girly at times, Likes fashion.. So thats it! Im an 11 yrs old teenage from PH' Olongapo City and im proud to say that i am [b]PINOY![/b][/quote]
do not RIP it . do not claim it as yours . do not steal it . dont use it in any other websites (ask for permissions) . giving me a +reputation is highly appreciated . comment what you think so i can improve and know what i have done wrong .[/quote]
[quote]Let me start off by showing you my simple premades which i made when i was bored

I'll add more...[/quote]
[quote][b]How to use?[/b]
Right-Click the image > Copy image URL > Paste it to your User CP > Personality > Text Box + Add [i][img][/img][/i] bbcode to work. Credit me. Thanks

[quote]I Accept Photo "Retouch+Edit", Just PM me in Facebook.com and send me your photo (must be in url). *This is only for Primary Photos,etc.[/quote]
Last edited by alyssa01 (2010-04-18 10:03:10)