Oh, too bad it's the last ex. I have a lot to say about my last, [i]last[/i] ex.

[quote]• A natural [b]romantic[/b]. I swear, he writes poems that are so... Shakespeare. o__O
• God-fearing. Yes, to the point where I'm 100% certain that he will [b]never[/b] ever cheat on me.
• He's the type of guy who'll never give up on me, no matter what. Sure, we'll probably fight and stuff, but he's the type not to break up with me because of that. In fact, I don't know what would make him break up with me. Lol.[/quote]
[quote]• Quite condescending at times. I guess he's not aware of it, but yeah. He is.
• It's frustrating to argue/reason out with him.

So frustrating that you'll raise your hands in surrender and be like, "Oh f*ck it. Nevermind." Lol.
• He never admits he's wrong. >_<[/quote]
Ehh, not much to say about him since we didn't really last long.

But he's a great guy. ^^