You will just post a part of a song, you may indicate the title if you like, then the next person to post will post another part of a song that starts with what the person above him/her post's last wo
You will just post a part of a song, you may indicate the title if you like, then the next person to post will post another part of a song that starts with what the person above him/her post's last word is.
For example:
[spoiler]1st Post:
Because of you
I will never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you...
2nd Post:
You and I cannot hide
The love we feel inside
The words we need to say...
3rd Post:
Say it again for me
Cuz i love the way it feels when you are telling me that i`m
The only one who blows your mind...
[b]Mods[/b] please remove this topic if duplicated or if I violated any rules. Thank you.[/spoiler]
Game? I'll start..
I'll bet she's beautiful
That girl he talks about
And she's got everything
That I have to live without...