I'm not sure if this post fits this section. If not, then I'll just leave this to the admins. ^_^
[b]This tutorial is also applicable to DSLR.[/b]

You don't need a telephoto lens to capture the moon. If your digicam has a [b]Manual Mode[/b], you can. The quality may not be as good as of the shots taken with a telephoto lens but my point is, you can capture the moon (yes, with craters and all) by using a digicam.
First, your digicam should be set on Manual Mode:
Why Manual Mode? So you can adjust/cutomize the shutter speed and aperture. Don't always rely on Auto Mode.
These are my usual settings:
[b]shutter speed:[/b] 160 - 250, not so fast (higher value) or the craters might not be evident on the moon's surface
[b]aperture:[/b] F8.0 (but if it's a bit too early, you might lower the value)
[b]ISO:[/b] 80 - 100
Then zoom the focus a little bit. Not too much or you'll end up with a bokeh.

Now, in cropping your shot. A raw shot usually look like this:
It is small right? So if you want to make it "look bigger"...
Cropping Tool!
[b]I[/b]mage > Crop
[b]V[/b]iew > Actual Pixels[/spoiler]
And there you have it. Now it's ready for your watermark.
And here are some of my shots and some shots taken by my friends as well:
By the way, I'm using Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H2
[url=http://nakikiuso.tumblr.com/post/548670773]ORIGINAL POST[/url] | Olympus μ720SW
[url=http://kidaokagee.tumblr.com/post/548530344/you-took-those-using-a-digi-cam-yeah-right]ORIGINAL POST[/url] | Canon Ixus 95 IS
[url=http://nakikiuso.tumblr.com/post/548670773]ORIGINAL POST[/url] | Canon PowerShot S3IS
[url=http://iwantyoursmile.tumblr.com/post/550975438/f6-3-iso-100-1-160-canon-powershot-sx120is]ORIGINAL POST[/url] | Canon PowerShot SX120is
And a whole lot more in my blog. I'm so happy a lot of my friends actually tried it and had successful outputs.

That's all. Expect a full moon later! Perfect timing to try this out. ^_^
You can post your moon shots here. ^_^