I almost fell in-love with my boy best friend,Louie.

That was the time when I celebrated my 16th birthday.

He was as gentle as he is,he greeted me wholeheartedly,I knew.

Night came, & we texted each other. I asked him a gift & he told me that he can only gave me a Kiss.

I was lol'd that night yet I rode on his jokes. Tomorrow came,Louie started staring at me. & texted me sweet messages & sometimes -- showed me that he is jealous with the other guys who are close to me also.

& from that time,I started,too looking at him everytime i found him not around. I got tingled in his doings & sometimes,I got blushed.

There was a time that I attempted to tell him what I felt towards him. That I would tell him that I'm starting loving him & wanting him as my man. But he was my bestfriend,& he has a girlfriend. I sometimes caught him talking with his girlfriend. Sweet & Close. I'd decided to stop my feeling before it'd fell deeper.

I controlled my feelings & then it stopped.

Falling in-love with your bestfriend is inevitable. You're close to each other so there's a great possibility that you would be develop to him. & If he also loves you then it's fine. But you should first think the things both of you will lose. Specially the friendship. Having him as boyfriend doesn't mean that both of you ain't friends anymore. What I mean was; What if you broke up? [i]diba[/i] it's impossible that both of you will go back to the things both of you used to be. It's impossible that both of you would go back as bestfriend. What had happened to me & Louie was maybe uh, maybe it could consider as Lust. [i]Kasi Di ba[/i] He was the one who gave the first move. & that first move asked a Kiss. I rode at his jokes & sent sweet messages also. I've been lucky because i'd stopped those things. & because of that, I've prevent the things that I might lose if I continued it.

But most feelings can't be controlled. If you really feel that you're falling in-love with your bestfriend,then you should follow it. Stand on it. Like what they've said,there's a time for everything. If Louie hasn't girlfriend at all,maybe I'd told him what I had felt to him those days. Afterall,If I might lose him,God would bring him back to me as friends if we really are meant to be friends---till the end.
Last edited by coffeeluvsmilO (2010-07-06 23:46:30)