I prefer dogs especially the dogs.
But we have a cat on our house, hehe.
[align=center][b]What pet do you prefer? Cat/s or dog/s?[/b]
T; I prefer cats. Maybe I just find them cuter and since dogs here are just Askals.
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Re: I prefer dogs especially the dogs.
But we have a cat on our house, hehe.
Errr. Do I really have to choose? But I love them both. T.T
I choose [b]DOG[/b].
As much as I love cats, it's more fun to play with dogs. ;D
Plus, I've been around cats for a long time. It would be nice to have something else for a change. xD
Re: I prefer dogs especially the dogs.
But we have a cat on our house, hehe.
I know dogs are intelligent.......but they isn't as adorable as cats.....I Love Cats especially kittens....mushy-mushy...their so cute like a doll. Muacks......