If the name of the game is bugging you. You're right! The names on this game are based on Operating systems.

Anyway... Bootfighter Windom XP SP-2 is a mech fighting game based on directx(dds and directx for texture and ogg for sound) and netframeworks, for the buildings and mechs.
The gameplay is like PS2 Gundam series and it's based on it.
[b]Main Site:[/b]
[b]System Requirement:[/b]
CPU: Pentium 4 2GHz or higher/AMDCeleron or higher
Memory: 512MB or more
Graphic board: VRAM128MB least DirectX9.0 support or at least GeForce, Radeon video card or better.
Sound board: DirectX9.0compatible sound card or c
.Net Frameworks 3.5 download at
[b]Note:[/b] If your system is lower than the stated above. The game has a setting on which were you can fix the settings. Just fix those settings to minimal.
[b]Screen Shots:[/b]
[img]http://homepage3.nifty.com/alexholth/screenshot.files/image024.jpg[/img] [img]http://homepage3.nifty.com/alexholth/screenshot.files/image013.jpg[/img] [img]http://homepage3.nifty.com/alexholth/screenshot.files/image003.jpg[/img]
[b]Game Play[/b]
[b]Note:[/b] The one creating the vid suck!

[b]Game/Patch Development and Fixes:[/b]
[spoiler]●Ver1.031 2009/7/2Public
- Fixed handling of server-related chat.
- Registered a large number of pilots and fixed a slow start in the game.
●Ver1.030 2008/7/17public
- Fixed error Rokkuonarato out.
Add a button to switch view Rokkuonarato - F6to switch off any and all available → key → only aircraft.
Melee -HITcancel atExconsumption gauge1 / 3to1 / 4to change.
●Ver1.029 July 15, 2008Published
- Add new Rokkuonaratoshisutemu.
Practice mode - Added test key.
●Ctrl +Num0 opponentLV1Down(0stops. The only characters from the beginning. characters will not change that caused later)
●Ctrl +Num1 opponentLV1-up(10to. The only characters from the beginning. characters will not change that caused later)
●Ctrl +Num2 randomly generated characters(work)
●Ctrl +Num3 randomly generated characters(Lv1character)
●Ctrl +Num04 aircraft as their experience(work)
●Ctrl +keypad5 as my generation aircraft(the same one that moves)
●Ctrl +Num9 summoned all blow up aircraft
- Cancel meleeExgauge specification before consumptionHITrecovered in time to consume.
HITatExconsumption gauge is swinging attack cancel1 / 3is.
- Guard Cancel meleeExFixed funny consumption.
• When deformationVfixed deformation would be lifted when the state simply by pressing the key.
- Simplified map display on the radar scope.
* Results screen displays images of the body remaining aircraft survival results.
- Fixed a strange behavior during deformation.
- Improved shader speed of the drawing.
Wyndham -VISTAadjustment
Down somewhat the power of some of the melee ●
● less down the power of the beam rifle
Wyndham -2kadjustment
● up some power of the beam rifle
- WindomXP type-Bcoordination
Add Right Fight ●: Canon AA
After fighting Added ●: rapid fire cannon
- Adjustment of Wyndham Burakkusarena
● up some of the power of the beam system
Little change up the length of the Daburuseiba ●
● Change melee motion
- WindomXP sp-3adjustment
● Reducing beam rifle skills of fire
● All-range attack Attack type changed
- Adjustment of Iris Rainakusu
After fighting Added ●: give my friend Crystal.
Add new crystal ●: "Crystal Healing"
- Adjustment of Rainakusu Ansuryumu
● gun fix Basutarancha
●Ver1.028 2008/5/15public
• The relatively new graphics boards, are not properly fixed shadow.
In the waiting room -BGMselection specification changes.SoundfolderMyBgmfolder containingBGMwill only be selected.
MyBgmfolder is empty stageBGMis used.
- Adjustment of cymbidium Rainakusu
Down some of the power of melee ●
● boost up a little
●Ver1.027 2008/5/9Public
Pilot Data -Ver2implemented.
● The PairottoforudaPilot.sptcreate a file, you can write a detailed configuration.
(Pilot.sptIf there are no previousVer1treated as a pilot.)
pilot.sptby writing a script in Notepad, and timing of audio playback and image animation
You can specify.
As previously0~9.oggrules or file name disappears.
Samples from the pilot "Ace Nuko brother" I'll put a reference please.
- Fixed a bug that does not play sound when playing audio on the pilot.
-One-person mode also,0-9changes appear to communicate your key.
- Lock speed when switching cameraUP.
The waiting room -BGMselection added.Soundfolder intoOGGformat files are recognized automatically.
- Fixed a pilot image is not displayed correctly in online matches.
Pilot Data -Ver2inOggFixed bug: the file is successfully sent.(2008/5/11)
●Ver1.026 2008/5/7Public
- Add Kyanserubusutodasshu. Cancel Busutodasshu version of melee.
- Cancel meleeEXgauge usage increases.
The other -ExDisplay Gauge
- Changes can be added to the message from the chat room server kick.
* Add the server room to store messages.
- Increase consumption gauge emergency avoidance(HITat2.5gauge down at1.5gauge)
- Adjustment of Rainakusu Ansuryumu
The decision to avoid an emergency guard ●, triggered when05became only the frame.
The shorter distance of defense dash ●.
- Adjustment of cymbidium Rainakusu
● HP decrease
● decrease boost
- WindomXP sp-3adjustment
● HP decrease
● decrease boost
● reduce energy weapons
- WindomXP type-Bcoordination
● boost growth
- Windom Blackcomb adjustment
The decision to avoid an emergency guard ●, triggered when05became only the frame.
The shorter distance of defense dash ●.
●Ver1.025 2008/5/7Public
* Fixed some guards that come out successfully canceled.
- Fixed a bug in the room without permission will be ready to wait.
●Ver1.024 2008/5/6Public
• The whole body "work emergency" action added. HIT arched herself backward in the attack onX (fire) + C (fighting),activated the emergency avoidance(Exconsumption gauge 2)
Also be activated during down as well(Exconsumption Gauge 1.)
● Basic wants us back with the guard. This guard prevents melee, but you have the ability to play the opponent.
Value is reset when the trigger down ●.
Decision will occur in the guard and Blackcomb Ansuryumu ●.
- Decrease the overall speed of the dash Sword
- Fixed Orabureido remains of the plane have also been destroyed.
- Fixed time Taimusabaibarumodo funny.
- Adjustment of Wyndham Ansuryumu
Add a dash guard ●. Step back.
·MS98adjustment formula
- Adjustment of the Millennium
- Millennium-Radjusted
●1Yorokenai fixes to melee in the first stage
- WindomXPadjustment
Fixed a bug that would fire the wrong way in the shooting Busutodasshu ●
- Adjustment of Iris Rainakusu
Add a dash guard ●. Step back.
A little faster out of the melee ●
- Windom Blackcomb adjustment
Add a dash guard ●. Step back.
●Ver1.023 2008/4/25public
When the laser reflection - some behavior modification flying the wrong way.
- Windom Blackcomb adjustment
●Vbug does not invoke any reflection Press.
Slightly increase the power of the main weapons ●
Energy consumption increases when using the main weapon ●
- Adjustment of cymbidium Rainakusu
● Increase the melee down
- WindomXP sp-3adjustment
● melee down inductive
● Shield Boomerang down inductive
●Ver1.022 2008/4/24open lower -LV'sCPUto reduce defense establishment.
The new aircraft - the Millennium-R (equipped rifle)Add
The new aircraft - WyndhamXP sp-3added
·MS98adjustment formula
● machine gun decrease delay
Ski machine gun fire after the fire reduced ●
General lowering of the power of melee ●
- Adjustment of the Millennium
● reduction of a machine gun delay
Ski machine gun fire after the fire reduced ●
The power of the overall decline melee ●
Wyndham -VISTAadjustment
General lowering of the power of melee ●
- Windom Blackcomb adjustment
● The power of main fire decline
After increasing the skills of high power laser fired ●
● HIT change some of the few melee
- WindomXP type-Bcoordination
● Change of foot modeling
● Canon power reduction
● When turning slow Cannon
- Adjustment of Iris Rainakusu
- Adjustment of cymbidium Rainakusu
Some of the melee speed rigid ● HIT
Significantly reduce the melee down ●
● reduce the skills of Orabureidomoshon
Change should not be suspended even in damage Orabureido ●
●Ver1.021 2008/4/17public
- After I got up and changed as time has gone and invincible to attack something.
- Fixed a successful return to the waiting room at the end of survival time in the game.
- Fixed Tesukucha management relations program.
- Fixed an error when you drop the laser reflection
- Windom Blackcomb adjustment
Significantly reduce the energy consumption of the main fire ●
Reduced after the launch of high power laser ski ●
During high-power laser is a laser weapon ●100%reflection(usually right after the launch of20%)
●Ver1.020 2008/3/24public
·PINGcorrect the behavior is strange or higher.
·DirectX SDKto the new one a little change. Somethingexesize is1 / 3as long・・・
Synchronization error handling - a little change.
- I forgot to write thever1.019changed so do not start fighting until the speech transmission(sending in a battle for jittery).
- When sending all voice,0-09non-voice only opportunity to hear about because there is no observer,
Distance of400mwithin it, change it to hear any sound.
●Ver1.019 2008/3/23public
Minor improvements to the communications program part?
Team of the radar display change the side to show a white outline.
- Fixed random and biased character.
·ESCfunny behavior Fixed menu key.
·TABkey to view detailsPINGlatency change the way the right of the table.
- Fixed sounds when waiting to start fighting Piropiro online.
- Fixed bug that displayed correctly in the end score than the remaining combat aircraft survival mode online.
- Fixed being added to their score when the allies destroyed.
Time Attack -HITchange scores earned at rate of 2. Points-damage value. * 2
- NearHITfour times the rate of change in scores during acquisition. * 2 points = damage value. Why did until half past.
- Change the lock switch can not flow specification attack.
* Some side attack(one)to change the attack power magnification.
40% in the same proximity.
Beam machine gun, laser weapons and more basic jump 40% in the same damages.
Grenade, cruise missiles(only the blast), bombing and shelling of the rapid explosion near the appliance gunport 80% damage.
●Ver1.018 2008/3/22published
Minor improvements to the communication program part?
- Change the color of the radar display. Became the team colors.
- The characters can not be cut off waiting room.
The waiting room -PINGview the value.
- Improved visibility of team chat in online play.
When you decide to chatCtrl + Enterin the team chat.
Only be sent to the same team, the characters are shown in purple.
- How to Fix a better synchronization error.
Online game - in theESCmenu "key to the room waiting," added. You can go back to the waiting room.
- Fixed not summon the blitz.
- Adjustment of Rainakusu Ansuryumu
● Energy Recovery(Protection button)increase in recovery.
●Ver1.017 2008/3/19public
- Can watch online matches. Just choose a team, "watching" and spectators will choose.
The spectators do not affect the time synchronization with other opponents for not taking it down the line and treatment, and the actual time or have gaps.
Even opponents finished the battle for example, if you have fallen behind in processing and spectators have been fighting appears to be yet.
From combat and come out the way spectators, who watch as much as possible because you can not even begin the next battle60FPSso I'd better go.
• During online play, now is no longer responding to people forced to leave a long time.
TABappear in thepingresponse time is no mystery man to the right of the numbers. This is1000and over a time-out.
Tracking performance and adjustment of certain weapons(beam rifle, bazooka, machine gun, Sandabimuraifuru, Canon, etc. Fast Company)
How to track these weapons, the other close-range tracking in high power distance - I'm getting low.
Last close(10)- far(0) and if, this time close(8)- remote(2) I feel now.
- Online vs. war, would modify the chat is enabled when the camera mode menu.
How to operate the camera mode, the key branch rotation direction.AWDSeye movement keys.ZXZoom key.Rkey to reset the view. Operations orShiftwhile pressing the
When,twotimes the speed of operation. The photography is PurintosukurinkiScreenShotsaves folder.
- Adjustment of Rainakusu Ansuryumu
Somewhat reduced ability to induce long-distance high-speed laser ●.
Rapid fire power of decline ●.
● anti-aircraft artillery(→ fighting)Adjustment of subtle motion.
● Sutanshotto(← fight)increase in tracking performance.
● Energy Recovery(Protection)reduced the amount of recovery of the initial motion.
●Ver1.016 2008/3/18public
- Can set up a room. Is displayed when you select a setting on the server room.
Two seconds to one second - the time when the rising invincible
Tracking performance of some weapons -UP (beam rifle, bazooka, machine gun, Sandabimuraifuru, Canon, etc. Fast Company)
Bazooka-tracking performance is Canon> Fast Company> Beam-Thunder-I feel Ttena rifle machine gun
- Adjustment of Uindamuvisuta
● Performance of laser-induced plasma changes
Windham -2000 sp-1adjustment
The main changes during deformation laser shots ●.
The three sub-rail deformation canon ●.
- WindomXPadjustment
● Fixed some motion
- WindomXP type-Bcoordination
● Fixed some motion
Go slow at Busutodasshu ●
Canon power reduction ●. Reduce energy consumption.
- Adjustment of Rainakusu Ansuryumu
→ ● Add Fight
Additional ← ● Fighting
Slightly modified to induce long-distance high-speed laser ●
● improve mobility
Because the appliance is too incomplete until now, I wonder was finally properly
●Ver1.015 2008/3/17public
- Adjustment of cymbidium Rainakusu
Orabureido adjustment ●. BeamsHITeven if怯Manai. Decrease the power. Shorten the length of the beam.
- Minor changes to the communication part.
• Set the room waiting for the relief of trafficSyncLvadded.
Reduce the number of times simply to exchange key data.SyncLv = 1from now on Douri. The higher the value reduces the amount of communication,
Become worse as the key response. I'm not know just how effective
• When a new person logs in waiting rooms, fixed image is displayed pilots last moment.
- Fixed a bug when the defense not up to the other.
●Ver1.014 2008/3/16public
- Fixed bug Bug Has feature is enabled when you set up.
- Changes in the deformation behavior.Z, Vbecame the key design changes to the rise and fall.
- Voice chat while sending it at the start of fixed-line to send combat.
- Fixed when a defeated enemy harden practice mode.
- Adjustment of Iris Rainakusu
Add Before fighting ●.
- Adjustment of cymbidium Rainakusu
Declining rapidly abolished skills ●, Orabureido added.
- Adjustment of Rainakusu Ansuryumu
Reuse delay firing off rapid ●.
Infinite number of continuous use rapid fire ●.
Add in a sub attack Busutodasshu ●.
● defensive actionExgauge recovery and energy recovery changed weapons.
●Ver1.013 2008/3/14public
Intermittent behavior, improvements in the game came out when the plane load of new aircraft in survival mode.
The machine's performance has little time perching.
Blitz item has summoned some time stop.
Rising power of magic - Rainakusu Iris.
- Even if you leave the guard button while pressing the main weapons used, modified to guard the card does not act at the end of the attack.
Additional volume settings - to set up.
- Minor changes to the communication part. The port has increased along with it specified server.(3123-3128)
- Changes in deformation behavior. Became a key design change to the rise and fall down.
- Fixed a bug when it is disconnected from the server during the battle online game.
●Ver1.012 March 4, 2008Published
Log in room selection screen - to view the list of game modes participants participants.
• The data can also display text messages to the pilot.
Just send letters to communicate even without a voice.
0.txt~9.txtplease created(one100-character limit)
Downloadpage at,txtpilots withupI already.
When the pilot to see the images - chat online mode.
- When entering a chat decisionCtrl + Enterto send the team only added to the key.
- Fix change communication program around.
* Add mode online battle against interception.
The online version of survival mode ●.
The team fixed all continue to destroy an enemy aircraft until the left.
The ship appears to stand one battleship.
Increased recovery rates and energy and Busutogeji stand on the battleship,HPwill recover gradually.
Occurs at the time enemy, the emergence of up to 10 bodies at the same time.
Anonymous(same name as the aircraft)aircraft is the weakest, name luck enemy strength is different for each name.
As time stands a higher incidence of strong enemy.
- WindomXP type-Badjustments.
● HP decrease
- Millennium 98 coordination.
Decrease the number of grenade ●, income elasticity increased.
●Ver1.011 2008/2/28public
- Some changes around communication.
• Display individual results at end of combat survival team.
- Add specification Rokkuonbotan.
● S key for about0.3seconds, press and hold the lock yourself into the enemy has targeted.
● S key for about0.6seconds, hold down, locking disabled.
HP · TAB key to display information and display the remaining number of aircraft.
- Adjustment of cymbidium Rainakusu
● increase melee power
● change under combat(sword guards rush)
●Ver1.010 2008/2/27public
- Fixed a bug around communication.
- To choose a room online game(5)
The port number used by online matches2123-2128now(until now2123only)
When you make a serverTCPin2123-2128Please open.
●Ver1.009 26, 2008Published
- Fixed line details of the game.
* Add a status display of speed communications in online matches with other characters.
- Fixed the details of communication around.
- Fixed image is not sent successfully pilot online matches.
- Added setting to allow audio transmission of the pilot waiting room.
●Ver.1.008 2008/2/25public
During the battle -ESCkey to display the menu.
• When landing stiffness,Exguard immediately changed to allow consumers to gauge(Ex1consumption gauges).
Add a random selection of characters - the online mode.
- The waiting room(room leader(Player1people), and allow others expelled.
- Fixed a number of grenade launcher at the reservoir attack.
Practice mode - even if additional(and still can not Advanced).
• The character input systemCtrl + Vto paste from the clipboard can be.
On the login screen -IPcan also specify a domain name other than the specified address.
●Ver.1.007 2007/2/19public
- Modified from the waiting room and you're stuck on(I want now to anesthetic).
- Change can be set up at least one delay time setting(set at a jittery, unpleasant).
- Change the server settings screen buttons wait.Player1to be set outside.
- Fixed: Can not set correctly Kikonfigu key.
- Adjustment of Rainakusu Ansuryumu.
● increased attack speed
● Energy reduction
● melee attack to add distance
- Adjustment of cymbidium Rainakusu
Normally be fixed at the direction of the normal attack arm ●.
- Cancellation of design changes proximity
● meleeHITcanceled at theExNo consumption gauge.
● meleeHITwithoutExcancel possible gauge consuming.
●Ver.1.006 February 18, 2007Published
- Fixed-line phenomenon becomes heavier in battle.
·Loginfunny Fixed pilot selection screen.
Pilot - the maximum numberof 100to change.
- Maximum number of players online battle20→10changes.
Modified from time to harden - and you're waiting room(the plan)
●Ver 1.005 2007/2/13public
- Minor fixes calculation of the robot changes.
* Fixed motion blending program.
- Fixed to turn the plane goes down on a deformable body.
- When you start multiplayer network mode, the game does not start
A slight modification.
●Ver 1.004 2007/2/8Public
- Public version. There any bugs.[/spoiler]
[b]Download Links:[/b]
[b]MirrorMoon English Translation:[/b]
This part is set to private. Guests and Newbies are not allowed to view it.
[b]Original Japanese Game:[/b]
This part is set to private. Guests and Newbies are not allowed to view it.
Y. Kamada (YSK) - Game Creator
MirrorMoon (
http://mirrormoon.com) for English Stand-Alone Patch,Installer
Fix settings
Survival Mode
Practice Mode
Team Battle Mode
Blitz Tactics Mode
Online Contest Mode
Custom Pilot Creation
[b]How to create your own pilot:[/b]
Go to C:\Program Files\Bootfighter Windom XP sp-2.NET\pilot folder
Make a new folder with the name of your character
Open that folder and open create a new text document
Type your Avatar name on the text document and save as pilot.txt
Get a picture and resize it to 200 width 150 height and save as .png on the folder you created.
[b]Tutorial for voices to be added.[/b]
Network is also possible. Just configure the Setup game server v1.031 or Setup game server v1.028. Go to "C:\Program Files\Bootfighter Windom XP sp-2.NET and select Server or Server_v1028.
There's a modded premium version called Windom Xp Ultimate Knight.
Just check the comment on that video for the mod.
Editing Bootfighter Windom XP SP-2 is also possible with dds photoshop plugin and directx sdk.
Windom Xp Ultimate Knight only works Windows Server 2003 up to Vista SP2. No luck with Win 7 yet, even with compatability mode.
Use AppLocale if possible
Last edited by Ephemeral (2010-05-16 00:13:32)