PC games huh?

well i show what pc games i played and still playing

Here's mine
[spoiler]Counter Strike(1.3 ,1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and stream)
Battle Realms(including Winter Of the Wolf

Starcraft(Brood version and Gundam Ver.)
Warcraft(Reign Of Chaos & Frozen Throne(including DOTA))
Special Force
Battle Fortress
Ran Online
GG client(GARENA)
RF Online
Flyff(Fly For Fun)
Ragnarok(from old to latest version or even offline

Red Alert
Yuri's Revenge
Yu GI Oh! (Yugi The Destiny)
Yu Gi Oh!(Joey The Passion)
Yu Gi Oh (Kaiba's Revenge)
Need For Speed 1 to most wanted
Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas
Devil May Cry
Red Alert 3 (yeah the latest Version I buy that for 1k

Harry Potter[/spoiler]
help yourself to read
they're all my favorite!