[align=center][spoiler]I had a déjà vu, I was counting votes here like that. LOL share. Anyway, here are the following winners of the contest. Thanks guys for voting!

By the way, if there's any violent reactions or errors, please tell me.[/spoiler]
[b][size=5]Summer Photography Contest Winner![/size][/b]
[quote][color=blue][size=3][b]3rd Place:[/b] With total of [b]9[/b] Votes goes to;; [url=http://theftalk.com/p=biancabianx]biancabianx[/url][/size][/color]
Entry #5: One Hot Summer Day
[spoiler]Description; Because of poverty, our family haven't planned to go to beach or somewhere out of town, instead, we are currently spending our summer vacation here in our house located at Tagaytay City, Philippines. No wonder why tourists love our city. It has a nice surroundings with the beautiful creations of God. This photo of mine was captured in front of our house where grasses and other kinds of plants are growing. I find this flower attracting because of its yellow color that reminds me of summer. It's so cool that i can't stop myself to take a picture of it. I love it when i tried to put my shades on it. It's a lovely summer for me[/spoiler][/quote]
[quote][color=green][size=3][b]2nd Place:[/b] With total of [b]26[/b] Votes goes to;; [url=http://theftalk.com/p=kimyasay10]kimyasay10[/url][/size][/color]
Entry #6: OH MY SUMMER :3
[spoiler]Description: The image is taken in the beach obviously,white sand It's a stolen shot the water's so clearrrrr and the sky is so blue. That's all I can say just view the pic and vote for me this photo was captured in Camiguin Island (: we rally had fun in the water but unfortunately the weather is too hot so I decided not to swim anymore But this is the coolest beach everrrrr tis like Boracay[/spoiler][/quote]
[quote][color=red][size=3][b]W I N N E R:[/b] With total of [b]86[/b] Votes(

) goes to;; [url=http://theftalk.com/p=underscoreJI]underscoreJI[/url][/size][/color]
Entry #3 : Serenity
[spoiler]Description: The warm breeze, the bright sun, the bunnehs, they tell us one thing... SUMMER! This picture was taken while I was having the greatest time relaxing at my tito's rest house. Nothing beats the cool breeze on the mountains on a supper hot summer day. It's like heaven.[/spoiler][/quote]
Member's Votes;;
[spoiler][size=3]Entry 1 :: 0
Entry 2 :: 3
Entry 3 :: 81 (7VotesNulled)
Entry 4 :: 1
Entry 5 :: 9 (1VoteNulled)
Entry 6 :: 26 (3VotesNulled)
Entry 7 :: 3
Entry 8 :: 1[/size][/spoiler]
[b]As a promise, the Winner will get the customized rank(Summer Photographer?)(I'm not sure..) and also a Graphic Designer Badge. Thank you very much.
