[b]1. How do I install my blogskin on to my blog? It just gives me some could not be parsed, XML error."[/b]
ok, to solve this,
look down from the huge input box where you tried putting your code into.
and click onto the "Revert to Classic Template" link very close to it.
hope this solves it.
[b]2. How do i download blogskins?[/b]
On the page of the skin, click the button of your choice (for whatever you use)
"blogger main"
"movable type"
after awhile, your download should be completed, edit the code by putting in your profile things or what-nots,
and there you have it,
a nice blogskin for your blog!
[b]3. How do i style my blogskins profile page?[/b]
Well, this one requires minimal knowledge.
view each and everyone of those links.
and don't forget to NOT leave a line between each line for your css code.
paste this code into your "about me" section
more experienced people with css, and some html
just view source,
figure out all the components with the class=WHATEVER CLASS tags in the [div] tags
and then view here for the default attributes for the various parts of your profile page.
NOTE : figure out which of the tags declarations are actually for your profile page.
or you might mess something up.
4. How do i have the comments section in my blog?[/b]
if your blogskins does not have the comments part added for your blog,
add the following code,
to enable comments.
[a href="[$BlogItemCommentCreate$]"
[$BlogItemCommentCount$] comments[/a]
replace the "[" or "]" brackets with the angled brackets.
you may want to add this just before the [/blogger]
part of your blogskins code, to allow comments after every post.
[b]5. How do i make i screenshot?[/b]
Ok, two methods for different computers.
first mtd :
ctrl + prt sc
second mtd :
fn + prt sc
after doing that, open paint or some photo editting software and paste it in.
then save it.
and upload it

any other mtds, please tell me

there you go, some help and questions answered here,
if there are any other common or frequently asked questions, please do tell me and i may add them here.
credits to : ♥ooh-