His name was written all over history
His action saved us from our misery
His father is the one who stays above
The one who sent him to show us his love
In Jerusalem, this great person was born
He is
His name was written all over history
His action saved us from our misery
His father is the one who stays above
The one who sent him to show us his love
In Jerusalem, this great person was born
He is the master when i was still unborn
His name is Jesus, his name is Christ
He was sent down to us, as the ultimate sacrifice
His lovely mother, the holy Mary
Was the one to thank for the child she carried
For Jesus descended to save man kind
From his father he had the greatest mind
Jesus was crucified to take our sins
Right after he died, three days after he rouse again
May we never just forget
May we never just neglect
To you my friends, this what i am to say
May we learn to thank him, every single day
One way to do it is to go to church and pray.....