Thank you for calling "E-bay"
How may I help you today?
Thank you for calling "Sprint"
Give me a minute just to think
You've reached "Cheap tickets"
Does your plane have "Crikets"?
Welcome to "Orbitz
Thank you for calling "E-bay"
How may I help you today?
Thank you for calling "Sprint"
Give me a minute just to think
You've reached "Cheap tickets"
Does your plane have "Crikets"?
Welcome to "Orbitz TLC"
Do you have a concern with flight 163?
This is "Nextel"
Is everything going well?
Thank you for calling "AT&T"
With your service comes a guarantee
"Expedia" at your service...
Where pilots only practice
Thank you for calling "Chase"
With us your money wont go to waste
Do you have problems with your "DSL"?
Or do you have a phone to sell?
I suggest calling "ILS"
I must tell, they'll do the rest
Lastly call "Time Share"
With them is a vacation to share....