[quote=ivyness.oo6;#3641987;1277717399]hi miami, wlcome to FTalk. Enjoy here. I`m ivy.

Hey Ivy, Thanx dear

[quote=mYjOon14;#3642017;1277719233]Hi Mimai!

Welccome to ftalk

Me Jazz

Enjoy ftalking and Keep safe always :*
Hey Jazz, Cool name.

[quote=blackmamba;#3642213;1277743882]Hello, Mimai!
I'm GAB.

A friend of mine lives in Davao, too. ;O
What course are you planning to take up in college, btw? xD
Well, hope you have fun around here!
And stay active!

Hey Gab: you and my Cuzin had the same name

Oh really, hope to meet yer friend here in davao.

I want to take up Nursing.

but i really want to be a surgeon

See you around Guyz.