Re: [align=center][url=][img=480x586][/img][/url][/align]
Not that invigorating as the Spring list.
I didn't know Ephe created one before me. Should be stick nonetheless.
High Tier:[/b]
[b]Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi[/b] - So this is the new project of JCSTAFF. The most obvious that I can give is that Ryouko has almost the same appearance as Taiga but rather taller. Furthermore, she might have the same personality as her - abusive but she'll try to mend her heart later. Anyways, my expectations varies to mid to high, and it should be enjoyable at least.
[b]High School of the Dead[/b] - Produced by Madhouse, it's the first zombie apocalpyse ever to hit the anime history. Tits, guns, and zombie killan. I hope it has decent fights and storyline.
[b]Strike Witches II[/b] - The flying lolis without pants are about to strike the sky and neurois once and for all. The 501st will have new development and stuffs, so I've nothing to ask for more. sanya!
[b]Sekirei II[/b] - Yes, the poketits are back to compete to other Sekirei. Typical gags, fanservice, and fights done by Seven Arcs. Watching mostly for Kuu.
[b]Black Rock Shooter[/b] - The most anticipated and overhyped OVA will be released soon. Needs more heavy machine guns and mindless fights.
Mid Tier[/b]
[b]Kuroshitsuji II[/b] - Uhh, yet another homolust, yaoi-bait, gothic-themed show. There's a new butler but I thought Ciel is a better character than him. I'll give it a shot though.
Mitsudomoe[/b] - Cute chubby girls discussing cute, sexual-oriented things. A show to watch when I'm really bored and nothing better to do.
Perhaps I would try Mago, Shiki, and Basara as well.
Overall, it's pretty weak season, and I quite disappointed about the lineup. At least, I still have my K-ON and Heroman to fill up the void.