Anyone know this show?...hehehe
It's an american sitcom about nerds who have made it through highschool and college but still can't find a girl and is striving for everyday life, and they are not billionaires, they just have enough money, they are also not fat, just a successful nerd without a girl in their life.
Wikipedia's info:
Set in Pasadena, California, the show is about two fictional Caltech geniuses, one an experimental physicist (Leonard Hofstadter) and the other a theoretical physicist (Sheldon Cooper), who live across the hall from an attractive blonde waitress with show-biz aspirations (Penny). Leonard and Sheldon's geekiness and sheer intellect are contrasted for comic effect with Penny's social skills and common sense. Two equally nerdy friends of theirs, Howard and Rajesh, are also main characters.
Leonard Hofstadter, Ph.D - Sheldon's roommate, and is currently suffering from the craziness of his roommate Sheldon. He also has a crush on their new neighbor Penny.
Sheldon Cooper, Ph.D - uber smart, started college at 11 and is the smartest guy on the show. He also acts like a robot, he takes everything seriously and does everything in a routine. He doesn't understand emotion, sarcasm, jokes, and human beings. His characteristics is one of the funny things in the show.
Penny - the gorgeous neighbor living 20 ft across Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. She is an actress but is currently a waitress.
Howard Wolowitz, M.Sc., Eng. - the guy who handles all the engineering stuff and building them, Jewish and is always horny. Although very horny, he doesn't really get that much girls. He is also the funniest of them but is mostly horny. He also lives with his mother.
Rajesh Koothrappali, Ph.D. - the lovable foreigner from India, he is very shy and can't be able to physically talk to women but makes up for it by being drunk thus resulting to very good pick-up lines and has been able to outdo Howard in sex.
From left to right: Howard, Leonard, Penny, Sheldon, Rajesh
Last edited by strikerno14 (2010-08-28 18:16:25)