[quote=oOpunkrockeranimeOo;#3655699;1279612542]we should be able to customize our ftalks, if that's not too much of a hassle for the mods.

that's a cool idea but i'm afraid that some people might find some ways out of that kind of customization feature to do malicious things like hacking the sistem, stealing passwords, spreading trojan/worms, etc. just like what happened in friendster.

[quote=Dfamador;#3655840;1279631294]Maybe, a member could contribute a theme he created for this forum and let the moderators or admin himself to allow everyone to use it

Is that possible? C'mon, let's not give all the job to admin and the mods

yeah, the ftalk themes are in CSS, i believe many ftalkers are familiar with CSS.
hmm... maybe it's a good idea to have a [b]theme contest[/b], then we'll add the top 5 entries to the ftalk forum themes.