Chapter 3.
The next day, I woke up with lots of roses in my room. Opening the card, he's the guy from the whatever party. I threw it in the garbage can. Lol.
Someone's calling.
Unknown number? Gee. This is what I hate most. Receiving calls from someone you don't know.
"Hello? Stop calling me if I don't know you."
I said.
Then he cut the call. Intimidated, eh?

I took a shower. I planned of going to the mall since it's such a very very nice weather. I just used the bike, for reals. Who cares tho?!
Ah-ah. Lots of products that aren't in the PH. Loling to myself on how I realized what I'm thinking is shtty.

Then I saw the guy I've seen last night. OHHHH!!
Planning to run towards him, I bumped at someone and I just lost the chance of knowing him.
"Yo. What's up?"
The black guy said.
"English no understand."
I replied.

And I just turned my back towards him. Killing the time, I walked around different stores and bought nothing. Aha! My tummy's talking to me.
*Let's eat. Let's eat.

Wtf? XD
So I waited for this loooong line for a 6pcs Sushi. D: My stomach badly needed a California roll. D:
But the long wait is worth it. Not really full tho.
Then I realized it's night already. I went to the beach for some fresh air. It's really cold now. Too late I did not bring my jacket. While walking on the 20th Street, I saw a mime act that actually caught my attention. He's really really cute. Oh fck man! I think I saw this guy. I think I've seen him before! Uhh. The guy I've seen when I was in the car last night! Then my heart just melt. Lol fail. XD Desperately wanting that guy to notice me, I stand in front of him. Then he's asking for someone who will assist him. I raised my hand, the KIDS raised their hands too!! D: HAHA! Then slowly, he went towards me, hold my hand and smiled at me!
OHHHH!!! I don't know what should I do now. D: I'm fcken blushing. Hoping it isn't obvious.
While he's holding my hand, he guided my in front of the audience, and he HUGGED me!! He HUGGED me. HEY! He DID!
but yea, he laughed. It's a part of his show. Then he made me a balloon-shaped flower. and just before he gave it to me, he accidentally burst his balloon in his face. Acting like a kid, he wants me to kiss his cheek. OHMGADDDD!! I'm so blushing right now! The the crowd keeps yelling.
"Nice one, dude!"
"Kiss him, girl."
So on. Never got offended btw.

I kissed his cheek and oh. That was the best feeling I ever had.

Then he guided me back to the crowd. Then smiled and winked at me. Oh. Why is he like that? D: I think he'll be a good boyfriend.

I'm thinking too much.
I watched the show til it was done. Everybody's leaving, except me.
With all the courage I have, I went in front of him.
"Uhm. Hi."
He smiled.
"Hi. (: You look like a filipina. Tama ba?"
"Yes! Wow. Paano mo nalaman? Filipino ka?"
"Well. Filipina beauty is something

Uhm Yup."
"New lang ako dito, so I wanna have friends. Pwede ikaw yung una?"
I smiled tho a bit nervous.
He smiled again.
I smiled back.
"So nice meeting you. I need to go now. If you wanna see me, everyday this summer ako nag mi-mime act."
"Na-ah. What do you mean? Gusto kita makita lagi?"
"Well. It shows."
Then he laughed. Gad. He has the sweetest laugh and smile!!