From Yahoo Tech! What do you think of this technolology on Facebook?
[b]Facebook has begun testing face detection technology for Facebook Photos.
This is the first of what seems like a series of ne
From Yahoo Tech! What do you think of this technolology on Facebook?
[b]Facebook has begun testing face detection technology for Facebook Photos.
This is the first of what seems like a series of new features for its popular photo product.
The tests, which some users will see starting today [Friday], focus on decreasing the tediousness of "tagging" friends in Facebook photos. In the current Photos feature, users upload photos, click on each face in a photo, tag that photo with the friend pictured therein and continue the process until the album is tagged.
If you've got a large album or a lot of friends in a single photo, this process is inefficient and tedious. To solve this problem, Facebook has implemented face detection technology that will automatically find faces in photos and select them, eliminating one of the most tedious steps in tagging Facebook friends in photos. Your friends are already selected by the software -- all you have to do is answer the Facebook prompt, "Whose face is this?"[/b]