[b]Hii I'm ini[/b] Say it with me.. [i]E - Knee[/i] =]
[quote][align=center]Anyways, I own [b]Live Prestige Photography[/b] and I just want to share some of my works...[/align]
Fact #1: Photography is my greatest wonderful hobby
Fact #2: I'm still learning...
Fact#3: I take RAW Photos and use Adobe Lightroom
Fact#4: I would like to hear your comments and criticisms =]
Fact#5: I'm using my beloved [b]Canon Rebel XSi[/b] -- I named him [b][i]Rico[/i][/b] =][/quote]
[align=center][b]These are all recent Photos. I would like to share more but I recently lost my External Hardrive where I save all my images...so here goes...[/b][/align]
[b][color=red]NEW[/color]- California Bleu[/b] (Newport Beach, CA) [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/198/1/1/California_Bleu_by_LivePrestige.png]Full View[/url]
[b]Life Touch[/b]
[b]Mother & Son[/b]
[b]Hakuna Matata[/b]
[b]I'm on Track[/b]
[b]Perfect Prom Night[/b]
Whippin That Hair[/b]
[b]Her Corsage[/b]
[b]Unnoticeable[/b]--[i]Okay maybe this one is a little old...[/i]
[spoiler]That's it for now. Lol My eyes hurt--feels like they're about to pop out -__-[/spoiler]
Last edited by RossVolturi (2010-07-17 15:47:02)