Re: a friend of mind told me early this morning (July 9,2010) that King James will be playing for the Heat... and i read the newspaper saying that Bosh will also be playing for the Heat..
my question is
[quote=FallOutBoy008;#3649139;1278647514]if it wasn't for his team mates, the lakers would've lost to the celtics..[/quote]
Well,LA Lakers stands for Los Angeles Lakers, not Kobe Bryant Lakers. so if you say "if it wasnt for his team mates, lakers would've lose, that's actually kinda funny".. i prefer "if it wasnt for his team mates, Kobe probably wont be the MVP anymore". and those guys actually pretty good too, they could get their spotlight if they move somewhere, without Kobe.
i'm still rooting for Boston next season though. the last finale was a classico.