Been a while, miss sharing stuffs here. Anyway.
If you're new to wordpress or if you're the type of person who loves trying out new things with your wordpress blog-- like installing plugins and themes, but afraid of ruining everything, you might wanna try installing wordpress in your computer. You dont need to have internet connection once you have this installed. So here we go.
First, download the ff:
1. [url=]WAMP Server[/url]
2. [url=]Wordpress[/url]
After downloading those tools, Install Wamp. Then, run it. You'll see a new icon in the taskbar.
Click that, then choose [b]www directory[/b]. A new window will appear, minimize that.
Now it's time to unzip wordpress. We want to it to be in the main directory, [i]do not copy the wordpress folder[/i], copy all the stuffs inside it.
Go back to the www directory window, then paste wordpress files. [quote]When we open the www directory, we dont wanna see wordpress folder.. We want to see the files inside it, okay?[/quote]
Click the wampserver icon again, then choose [b]PHPMYADMIN[/b].
Click the [b]Privileges [/b]tab, then click [b]Add new user[/b].
Type the username that you want.
choose [b]local [/b]in the dropdown menu beside Host.
Choose the password that you want
Tick [b]Grant all privileges on wildcard name (username\_%)[/b]
Then tick [b]Check All.[/b]
Click the wamp icon again, this time, choose [b]localhost.[/b]
A new window will appear, you'll see this:
[quote]There doesn't seem to be a wp-config.php file. I need this before we can get started. Need more help? We got it. You can create a wp-config.php file through a web interface, but this doesn't work for all server setups. The safest way is to manually create the file.[/quote]
Click [b]Create A Configuration File[/b].
Then Click[b] Let's Go[/b].
Now it's time to apply what you did in phpMyAdmin
The [b]database name is the same as the username.[/b]
It should look like this:
click s[b]ubmit.[/b]
Choose your password and you're ready to go.
Now you have your own wordpress local server! [/b]
[quote]To add themes, [b]just click the wamp icon> www directory> wp-content> themes[/b]
To add plugins, just click the [b]wamp icon> www directory> wp-content> plugins[/b]
To view the blog, [b]click the wamp icon> choose localhost.[/b][/quote]
That's it! I know this tut lack screenies but I'm too lazy to provide you guys screenies right now.. But dont worry, I will edit this soon. Hoho
Last edited by khomplykeited (2010-07-11 22:22:22)