Hey guys. sorii for ssoo late update

Baby e2 nah gawa mo

Keizha’s POV
I was just an ordinary girl but everyone treats me like im their leader,…
One night I was talking to one of my friends she’s in states right at this moment and told me everything she’s been up to,..
i ask her if she never gets bored and her respons “NO” I asked why she said “I know this one website and its
really cool what I mean by cool is that its amazingly perfect for people like me in overseas,I even met this one
guy and he’s from here in states and we do chat and text aint that great?you should come and visit sometimes”…I wasn’t able to relate at first so I just ask for the site url once she gave it I went and visit.. Hindi
ko pa alam lahat soo when I enter everyone said “welcome back” “asl” “avatar” didn’t know how to put one so they guided me through it…lahat sila friendly and a bit different from the friends I have here with me..i thought of it that this place is different in here no one treats me different in here im me im on myself and im allowed to
be me and make mistakes..after coming here for a day I felt like coming back again and again everyone became my friend we talk in yahoo webcams confe and soo on I never felt warm and joyfull like this,..the owner ask me if I can be a site moderator I was overwhelmed and I accept it and I’ve been here since then,……
But suddenly……………
HE came around
and changes
Lyron’s POV
I love playing dota with friends, love girls and love money..i dated few girls online and few girls here in
japan..one of my friends gave me this website and he said “tol punta ka ditto daan ka bilis dame chix jan” my
response?? “tae ka tol kelan mo pa alam yan?sinolo mo mga chix sige teka I load ko lang anjan ka ba?”…
So yea I was able to go this website coz sabe ng utol ko na madame nga chix..basta chix kasama ako d ako
hihiwalay my prophecy love girls..
When I entered at the site I thought of it at a moment I was like “wow tama si tol dame nga chix gaganda nila
but SHE’S the most beautiful girl in this site”…
I wasn’t planning to waste the time so I start typing everyone welcomes me as usual and then SHE ask for my
ASL..i told her and I ask her to so yea now were talking….didnt think nah babalik pah ko sah site na to but
something inside me says “go to this site go to this site” so I went once more and she was there…I was feeling
un-usually myself since I saw her..we talk but…..
SHE suddenly
changes EVERYTHING……………

sori masyadong maikli. Nga pala dalawa kmi ung author nito

Baby Yumi yan nahhhhhh

)) sori so late busy lang si mami :-*
Tnx so much sa comment guys