I would like to share this kind of application to thous who are really love making there own site,
i know on other tutorial sites is already have this kind of topic.. but i really love to share this because i know
some of you are staying finding this kind of application. all you want to do is to follow.
[b]Preview [/b] [url]http://www.junti-amores.co.nr/[/url]
1. first log on to [url]http://www.facebook.com/developers/[/url]
2. by adding application, click the ( + Set Up New Application )
3. your Application Name, use agreement thin create Application
[b]Put this code to <Head> Tag </head>[/b]
<">[b]NOTE:[/b] don't forget to change the [b]APP ID[/b] on your js code.
you can find the app ID into your application profile, go back to application page and find your Application ID.
[b]this will be your FB comment box where you want to show. <body> Tag </body>[/b]
<">now you have your own comment box on your html site.

hope you like this kind of application connecting your facebook into your site.
Last edited by Ephemeral (2010-08-09 11:27:46)