Hello and welcome~!
Read [url=http://theftalk.com/t68372-Newbie-Guide-%5BGETTING-STARTED%5D.html]this[/url] if you have no idea on hw to put an avatar. ^^
Just between the two of us, you should put a kitty photo. Admin will probably like you if you did that.
[quote=forsakendoll;#3772262;1304057698]Just between the two of us, you should put a kitty photo. Admin will probably like you if you did that. [/quote]
[quote=forsakendoll;#3772262;1304057698]Just between the two of us, you should put a kitty photo. Admin will probably like you if you did that.[/quote]
you get lots of repu and badges immediately too
Anyways, welcome to Ftalk